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Dante and the Sanguinor


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It seems to me that these two characters working in tandem could be awesome, especially in a small elite DoA army. Firstly Dante allows you to take Sang Guard as troops, making them a scoring unit. Give a squad the chapter banner and with that on one side and the Sanguinor on the other, your entire army could get +1A. Alternatively you could double team them to take out a powerful centrepiece unit. Adding a Sanguinary Priest or two will just add to the hurt. Added to this, if you use SG as your troops you can guarantee the Sanguinor pimps one of your vanguard sergeants. Dante's precision deep strike with a melta-spam honour guard will deal with any tank issues, especially as you can take two of these squads once you include the Sanguinor (you can take an HG squad for every HQ, not IC.) Last, but by no means least, your HQ combo can make a real mess of even the toughest character. Simply use both Dante and the Sanguinor's curses on the same model. Not only will its stats take a big hit, but the Sang will re-roll hits and misses against it. Boom, points paid back.


Whilst this is all well and good in theory, I'd love to know if anyone has actually used this combo? Obviously it's only one for larger games but to me it seems pretty cool

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I use them both in all my games, and they do indeed work very well. Though, every time i play a new opponent they go "Dante AND Sanguinor?!" followed by random muttering =p


The hardest part is keeping Sanguinor alive, especially with the TLoS rules, and no-one using many (any) LoS blocking terrain where I play...

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I've been thinking about this for a while as well. I've never fielded them together but I recently bought my second Sanguinary Guard squad so the next battle will be a experiment.


I was thinking about fielding:






2 Sanguinary Priest


2 Sanguinary Guard squads (1 with Chapter Banner)


1 Vanguard Veteran Squad..


Then I'll finish up with some tactical marines or Devastators to hold the objectives..

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Although they're both powerful units, I don't feel like taking them both is a sound idea. They consume to many points. Dante is good when you want precise striking and leaving any combat, while Sanguinor is a good duelling unit, but when you take both you spend nearly 500 pts (or even more). I'd rather take more vanguard vets, or second HQ (libby) and additional Honor Guard (both for slightly more points than Sanuinor's cost) to get more shooting/cc capabilities and a priest. Taking two such characters is like putting all the eggs into one basket in my opinion.


Although this tactics may work in 2000+ games, but still the cost and limitations on model count are huge.

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Althoigh theyre both powerful units, I don't feel like taking them both is a sound idea. They consume to many points. Dante is good when you want presice striking and leavin any combat, while Sanguinor is a good duelling unit, but when you take both you spend nearly 500 pts. I'd rather take more vanguard vets, or second HQ (libby) and additional Honor Guard (both for slightly more points than Sanuinor's cost) to get more shooting/cc capabilities and a priest. Taking two such characters is like puttuing all the eggs into one asket in my opinion.


Although this tactics may work in 2000+ games, but still the cost and limitations on model count are huge.


Exactly 500 points =)

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I posted a List the other day that maximizes synergy and combo's in a DoA list. May be what you are looking for.


If you wanted more scoring troops you could lose the DC, and DC dread, and add more SG, (1-2 units), or a Furioso, or a combo of the 2.. This kind of list works pretty well.

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