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Extra armor on preds?


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Hey all-

its been a while since I've played regularly, but to me a tank that sits around for a turn is toast.

Why does no one take ex armor anymore as an upgrade?

15pts just too pricey compared to the 5 it used to be?



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Extra armor is indeed too pricey for its output. EA doesn't help against LC or melta shots, so if your tank gets penetrated, you have a good chace of being either destoyed or immobilized. I'd rather invest 15 pts into weapon upgrades on infantry squads and make them more killy.
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Extra armor is indeed too pricey for its output. EA doesn't help against LC or melta shots, so if your tank gets penetrated, you have a good chace of being either destoyed or immobilized. I'd rather invest 15 pts into weapon upgrades on infantry squads and make them more killy.

Exactly. Extra armor only helps 1/6 times a vehicle his glanced/penned. It is useless the rest of the time.


I only use EA on Dreads, Land Raiders, or Storm Ravens.

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It's a metagame thing. Melta has become the defacto way to destroy a vehicle by a Space Marine army. It's not the only way, and it's not necessarily the best way, but it's become a standard in a lot of lists.


When you consider what Extra Armor does for you, it is a good upgrade, except when you face someone with a lot of Melta. Anytime that shot hits your armor, it's adding +1 to the Armor Penetration roll due to the AP 1 rule. That pretty much means you will be at least Crew Stunned. For the amount of points you pay, you can sometimes add another model or even another heavy weapon to your army.


Just one more thing to add: Target Priority from your opponent will dictate that if your vehicle is a big enough threat, he will devote all the resources he can to destroy that vehicle, or at the very least disable or remove it from being effective for a turn. He's not going to just shoot one Dark Lance at your Rhino full of Space Marine Death Squad. He's going to shoot as many Dark Lances at it as he can until it's destroyed, then move onto the next target.


With that concept in mind, why "waste" the points? A few people say it enables the tank to soak up more fire power, thus using more of your opponents' resources. Others would rather accept the idea that the vehicle is going to die, so why waste the points? You'll have to decide for yourself.

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Also as we have started to see cheaper transports, tanks are starting to look on the expensive side, add 15pts and I'd say that there is a psychological tipping point in a lot of gamers minds. I start to baulk at 150 pt tanks that can die to 1 shot. Where as I'm happy to throw a 100pts at a vehicle that can do some harassment to the enemy but may not be a game changer, I'll get two Baals at 115pts clean rather tthan one at 160pts kitted out.
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They dont need to move to be effective. If they can't shoot then they will just be sitting in the backfield.


Things like Baals, Razorbacks and Vindicators need to move, so Extra Armour is justifiable. Normal Predators just not really need it.


You are effectively paying 15pts so you can A: redeploy your tank despite it taking a hit and B: ensure it doesn't get hit for free by assaults.

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