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Running SR's effectively


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Multi-melta , assault cannon and extra armour good antimech and meq . Load a dreadnought with blood talons in each and have a field day. If you want to include stormravens in your army you've to really build your list around them and Two are far better than one as even with a cover save your opponent should be able to bring down one stormraven before they get into your opponents lines. If you want to use your stormraven as a gunship buy an Ac/lc predator instead. You're paying dearly for that transport capacity so you should use it to its maximum potential and you've to really get into your opponents face when using them , without its cover save a stormraven is very very vunerable.


Having two lets you do some movement tricks as well , such as Turbo boosting one stormraven 18" forward , and bring the other stormraven on 12" directly behind it. The lead stormraven provides cover to the rear stormraven ( due to the rear stormraven being obscured if movement is done correctly) and it allows you to get more shots off with the second stormraven.

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I have been running one with extra armor, twin linked lascannon and twin linked multi-melta. The ability to move flat out for the 4++ cover save coupled with firing the twin linked melta is huge. I play DoA so the ability to field a unit with long ranged anti tank firepower is awesome. It just depends on what style of army you want to play. The load out suggested by Corby is really good too.


G ;)

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I run 3 SR's and love it! one is twin linked lascannon and typhoon missile launcher, while the other two are hurricane bolters multi melta and assault cannon. the two long range ones provide 1st turn vehicle molestation while the close one turbo boosts up to get its payload out quicker. works amazing^.^
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I run 3 SR's and love it! one is twin linked lascannon and typhoon missile launcher, while the other two are hurricane bolters multi melta and assault cannon. the two long range ones provide 1st turn vehicle molestation while the close one turbo boosts up to get its payload out quicker. works amazing^.^


you seem to have 2 short range ones and 1 long range but say that your two long range ones provide fire support. do you mean the other way around?



on topic - i have been running one to fair effect but i do find that the opponent targets them. in one game i loaded up termies and a dread, turbo boosted on the first turn, blew up a land raider wit MM, but then got killed by the massed shooting on the only target that was that far forwards and had over 500 pts in it.

the second game i gave it longer ranged guns, 5 man combat squad inside and used i as fire support. the problem with this tactic is that it is hard to get the cover when you aren't moving.


i think that if i had two then i would give 1 multi melta and lascannons and the other typhoon and lascannons. the first would turbo boos and provide the second slower moving with cover. the first would have DC in and the second would have assault termies and dread. i think that way they could shoot down 2 in one tuen, especially with both having cover.

basically, i think that you have to have 2 to make them really effective. also you need to make sure that your army is based around them. if the rest of your army is based around shooting then even 2 stormravens running forwards will get shot down just because they are the only target.

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