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Good place to find NEW Space Hulk Terminators?


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So I am looking for a set of the BA Termies from teh new Space Hulk box set, but it's goign for astronomical prices over on eBay, and I can't seem to find it anywhere else. I'd rather not pay $200 for 10 Termies and a bunch of Genestealers I don't need... Anyone have a suggestion on where I could find one at a more reasonable price? Perhaps I could get someone to go halvsis on it? (I doubt I *need* 10 Termies...)


Any suggestions very much appreciated!



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Good luck - they got expensive fast. though you probably are better off buying the whole thing and sellign the floor-plates and the stealers back to soemone else. You'd spend as much just buying the marines. You might get lucky and find a LGS who still have a box or two. (tho being honest, I should declare an interest I'm keeping my spare box for a few more years before it goes up on fleabay as a child-investment...)
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Ha, if you find one let me know. It was crazy to make it a limited ed. in the first place if you ask me, especially when you consider some of the specialist games they're still running (battle of five armies anyone?)


What really annoys me is there's so many sets sitting about unused or else that were bought purely for re-sale at a highly inflated price, when so many real fans can't get hold of one. No offense to Leonaides or any one else who's done this, I totally understand your reasons - it's a investment. The system as a whole really bugs me though. Any chance of a B&C letter writing campaign to get them to re-release it?

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Please no one make offers to sell theirs, or ask for PMs from prospective buyers. Such activity is against B+C rules and will result in warnings.
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I've bought a squad of them on ebay. I bought them one at a time, on auctions, bidding at the last minute. The only ones invariably in the £10 realm are the sergeants and Callistarius, but frankly you will be paying that sort of money for special characters in metal anyway. You only need one of the special weapons and unless you intend on fighting only Tyrannids on a space hulk you won't want the ones strangling genestealers or smashing up the floor. So one ebay sergeant (Lorenzo), three storm bolter and power fists and either the flamer or assault cannon (?) guy should set you back about £40. If you want assault terminators, there is only the other sergeant, Gideon and the one with the lightning claws, then make the other three from the assault box.

I also have no idea why space hulk was a limited edition, which inevitably meant that few copies are being played as intended. I am surprised tha the work which went into the terminators didn't turn into a BA terminator set either. The Space Wolves and the Grey Knights got their own sets.

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Yeah the termies are the best plastic marines GW have produced IMHO. It's sad that most of the sets aren't played. I got my squad the same way as Brother Chris.
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