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New plastic Librarian


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Hiya, I thought I'd post up my newly finished Librarian he's kitbashed from the Grey Knight kit and the DC kit. Simples.










cheers for looking



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I'm loving it Duncs! Great use of bits from so many different kits, and it's nice to see a traditional blue librarian painted up with BA flair.


I was ecstatic to see the new GK kits all had hoods on their torsos (not to mention the Termy apothecary bits!). I'm going to be picking up a box of each soon so I can start making a bunch of librarians myself. I'm thinking 2 w/ JP and 2 without (for some reason magnetized JP's bug me), and a TDA librarian and Sang priest would fit nicely in my collection.

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Very nice bro, I have similar things on my mind but in the form of TDA librarian and sang priest from the GK termies box, it's gonna be sooooo good :HQ:
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I like the model. but with the wrist mounted PP, or infernus pistols out there exspecially with the warding staff would look more martial than him holding the staff. Its too DnD looking it needs the other hand to do and swinging, or funtion. thats my input. other than that if you swapped out the arm for the IP arm, or PP arm from the sang guard box it would look better.


btw its a sweet paint job. from the way i see it, it looks golden daemon worthy.

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Cheers for comments peeps. I'll be honest I could have spent more time on the posing of the model, I got a bit excited and whacked him together pretty hastily. As for the loadout, I didn't fancy overloading him as I want him as an Epistolary and he's already rolling with an Assault Squad which is pretty tooled up and rolling in a land raider redeemer. But cheers for the input. I think ideally I would have had him loosing off a shot from his pistol rather than just shouting. Ah well next time.
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Hiya, I thought I'd post up my newly finished Librarian he's kitbashed from the Grey Knight kit and the DC kit. Simples.




I just finished painting my Librarian HQ and I hate the sculpt so much I was not motivated to paint it well. So when I saw NEW PLASTIC LIBRARIAN I was immediately excited heh. Which parts came from where? The body and legs seem to come from the DC kit. what about everything else? Thanks!

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Cheers guys. Like I say he's real simple. I took the Justicar back torso and whacked it onto a DC torso And then took the stave from the GK set and plopped it onto an arm I had lying about. His left shoulder pad is also from the GK set. I've just started painting his groupies. Ones a Sanguinary Priest with power weapon or novitiate with CCW when running with an honour guard. I'll post some pics up a bit later once I've finished my beer and cigarettes.
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