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Psyk-Out Grenades + Brain Mines

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Psyk-out grenades knock psykers and daemons down to initiative 1; Empyrean Brain Mines require the enemy to make an initiative test. Does an enemy affected by Psyk-out Grenades have to take their initiative test vs. Empyrean Brain Mines at Initiative 1?
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Brain mines are used after assault moves but before blows are struck.


Psyk Out grenades, as normal, are used when the assault is 'launched'- ie, when you successfully complete your assault declaration and begin moving models.


Thus, Id say their I is dropped to 1 at that point. Wich kinda sucks all things considered.

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To expand, how do initiative modifiers and stat tests interact?


If you have a Nemesis Halberd and there are I6, do you test on I4 or I6 for the Brain Mine? For Sweeping Advance? If you have a NFH and are hit by a Psyk-out Grenade, are you I1 or I3?


If you're hit by a Thunderhammer, do you test on I1 for the Brain Mine (the round after you're hit ofc)? I3 if you have a Halberd?

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Sounds like an effective 1-2 punch to me, unless they FAQ it to be Initiative 1 only for attack resolution, and their regular score used for all other purposes. I don't see anything in the codex that would indicate that you're wrong.

Quite effective; it renders nasty cc psykers like Hive Tyrants and Mephiston almost completely helpless.

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Initiative bonuses for weapons only count for initiative order in combat in almost every case- including halberds, powerfists, etc. So they dont apply to tests.


Re-reading the NFH entry I noticed it does indeed say "strike at +2I", so it wouldn't apply to anything else. I've not got the main book to hand, but i'm assuming that the TH penalty is also just for attacking, and wouldn't apply to the Brian Mine.

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