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General Tactics vs. Black Templars highly appreciated


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I had my first two games since I started my 40k carreer, facing this dudes Black Templar army. First time 1000p, second time 1750p.

I did quite well. Second game (kill points) ended 4:5.

Biggest problem: Blood angels are awesome concerning close combat. But let's face it. These crusaders do it better. Rerolling the rolls to hit, and having these cheap neophytes for cheap additional wounds is just a pain in the ass.


I ran RAS with two Meltas. They did quite well. Had a DC dread and a Furioso in a drop pod. Sadly they were immobilized before they could do much damage (I'm pretty sure they could load out some pain, right?) And I find having one in reserve is quite ineffective (one comes first turn because of drop pod assault rule). Any tips making better use of them?


My 5 DC did very well before they have been wiped out. Maybe some more would be fine?


Had a vindicator too. He was knocked out first turn. Pretty mean. Those damn Typhoon-landspeeders...


So... This is no thread about any particular army list. So I guess it does not really belong into the army list section.

If any mod thinks otherwise... feel free to move it.


So... What I want you to tell me is.... What's effective against these dudes? What are your personal positive experiences?

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The only advice I have for dealing with Templars (or any similar CC marine army) is to always make sure you get the charge.


Also, don't be too aggressive. If you realize you can out shoot your opponent, wait and shoot them as much as possible then charge as they get close.

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A plasma dev squad holding a commanding position might help you out as risky as plasma is plasma cannons seem to always kill marines, What you may consider if your running an mostly jumpers list to take the sanguinor his ability to give every one in his radius an extra attack tied with a priests feel no pain furious charge bubble may allow you to wipe crusaders of the board before they get a chance to strike back also your death company you might want to upgrade them to have a chaplain so they can reroll to hits and wounds or give them 1 or 2 power weapons0
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Little can stand the assault of Lemartes and his Death Company, especially when he gets pissed. JP librarians and a priest are nice with RAS. Sanguine sword if you take a power sword SGT, rage if you take a PF. Cheap HQ and pretty effective. Sadly I have never played Templars. I just have a lot of success with setups like this no matter who I play.
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Deathcompany with a chaplain is murder towards most armies (even smaller units... I run 6 deathcompany with a powerfist and lemartes).


I belive our librarians are among the best HQ choices around(leading hammer-termies with rage/sword... providing cover for a mech list...etc) also Mephiston is a melée monster ... especially in Meq armies cause they can't boast as many plasma weapons( at a low cost) like the imperial guard, also... a black templar army has no psychic defence like hoods, making our librarians a safe choice.


Blood talon dreadnoughts, either furioso(would take these in a drop pod) or a deathcompany(lower armour, more killyness... safer arriving in a raven)


We're Way faster than our templar brethren... this should give us a advantage when it comes to getting the assault.


Baal preds... are good with dealing with just about anything(don't hope to much though if you point it towards a landraider)


What I would do: I like building my armie around a Melée deathstart (DOA list with a raven carrying lemartes + DC + DC dread or librarian + termie sang priest + hammer/claw termies)


The DC raven version requires you to clean up elements that could threthen it like hydra flak-tanks, lootas etc, usually reserving it... it can handle just about anything except hammer + shield terminators. Also reroll to hit and wound + high WS and STR is fun...almost as fun as killing 20 orks with a blood talon dread


The hammer terminator version is way slower(waaaaaay slower) and will most likely get assaulted instead of assaulting for starters unlike the DC in the raven... positive thing about em though: 2+3++ FNP makes them the most durable unit ingame, These guys will remain standing after a leman russ tank squadron opened fire on them (not unscratched though...)


also I find DOA a better choice now days since most armies are kinda equiped towards dealing with mech...except vs a purifier-halbeard list which a melée BA army can't really go up against.

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