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Hand Painted Crimson Fist Banner - Rhino Top


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Hey Guys,


I think I gained a step today. I know I have a long way to go yet, but I am fairly pleased with the results of this hand painted banner. Here is a pic, but the real goodiness is in the HD Youtube Video...



Crimson Fist Banner by ff151, on Flickr



Thanks for looking, and comments here or on youtube is always appreciated, good or bad :soapbox:



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Nice. Youve made a bit of a classic mistake though. Never use pure white (or this close too it), its too overpowering and "offends" the eye when people look at it. The only time when you should use pure white is when it is light being reflected in a gemstone or NMM. As I said, the banner looks nice as it is but if you toned it down to half way between codex and fortress grey and got the lines a little thinner this would look really ace.
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I agree wholeheartedly with Koran that the white detracts from the work, but the other two classic mistakes you've made are starting a land war in Asia and gambling with a Sicilian when death is on the line.


Speaking of lines, you're freehand would be absolutely gorgeous without them, all your wonderful work is very brightly outlined, when in reality line is mostly an illusion created by form and when we try to observe it them in art it detracts from the blah blah blah blah blah... the reasons don't matter, but the important thing is that the quality of your already wonderful freehand will improve in leaps and bounds if you were to paint it without the lines, if you need them to keep everything visually organized, a trick I see a lot of people do is lightly trace what you want it to look like in pencil and then paint on top of it.

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It's very nice, but it's not very Crimson Fists, IMO.

Others have mentioned the white, and everything else is very well done - it screams more Team America rather than Crimson Fists to me. Its the word 'fists' I think. It could be a football pennant.

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Thank you guy for all your constructive feedback! I know I have a long way to go, but I have come along way as well ;) As for the not looking much as a Crimson Fist, have you watched the video? The only reason I say that is that there are Forgeworld doors on the rhino and the Red Fist is everywhere on the model itself......
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