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CC Hammers.


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That is a more viable option indeed, except for the part where they need a Raider or S.R. Costly-costly. The I'd say the death company are actually better, and that is, well bad xD. But it sure is a hell lot of attacks for the points.


They noviate hasn't been FAQ'ed, so he still doesn't get the power weapon.


I forgot that the honour guard can have a blood champion, if ever they are going to have power weapons, they truly should.



Might as well add: I use a naked S.G with an inferno pistol and a priest with a power weapon (and jp). Gets me what I need.

I also try keeping them close the the librarian and his shield, but that is mainly a bonus.

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So, for just 60 points more, you've just bought yourself less attacks, worse saves and worse guns. Power Weapons would

possibly be better bang for the buck than the claws, but then the unit still does less damage after the charge than the SG and priest.

The banner only makes the S.G better than it does the honour guard, as their novitate can't have power weapons.


As an added bonus, a battle cannon floors the unit.


Actually in your example it's still more attacks but fewer PW attacks. I would probably try to fit a flamer somewhere in there in case you really need the pre-combat shooting. How much the reroll to all attacks and reroll to wound on the LC attacks is worth depends on the situation but It's a quite important factor for combat results.

Why did you leave out Dante and the IP on the priest? The Chaplains buff amplifies Dante as well which was kind of the point. While you have only one artificer armor you now have two multiwound models with invulnerable saves who can take PW or plasma saves.

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So, for just 60 points more, you've just bought yourself less attacks, worse saves and worse guns. Power Weapons would

possibly be better bang for the buck than the claws, but then the unit still does less damage after the charge than the SG and priest.

The banner only makes the S.G better than it does the honour guard, as their novitate can't have power weapons.


As an added bonus, a battle cannon floors the unit.


Actually in your example it's still more attacks but fewer PW attacks. I would probably try to fit a flamer somewhere in there in case you really need the pre-combat shooting. How much the reroll to all attacks and reroll to wound on the LC attacks is worth depends on the situation but It's a quite important factor for combat results.

Why did you leave out Dante and the IP on the priest? The Chaplains buff amplifies Dante as well which was kind of the point. While you have only one artificer armor you now have two multiwound models with invulnerable saves who can take PW or plasma saves.


Eeeer, I left Dante out as I assumed we weren't making 700 point units with no transports. They will die horribly they turn they enter play, as a 7 man unit with jump packs obviously can't ride any transport, and if they start on the board, they will get shot by every single crack missile on the planet. Sorry, this suggestion is so much fail it makes grown men cry.

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Eeeer, I left Dante out as I assumed we weren't making 700 point units with no transports. They will die horribly they turn they enter play, as a 7 man unit with jump packs obviously can't ride any transport, and if they start on the board, they will get shot by every single crack missile on the planet. Sorry, this suggestion is so much fail it makes grown men cry.


We're not making anything, just modifying what someone else posted earlier. Not saying that it's what I would run, but stating that a unit is doomed to fail without any context is pretty silly. People actually manage to deep strike jump infantry all the time and not having them instantly gobbled up by plasma and ordnance.

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I run a rhino rush marine horde list, well at least I will once I finish stripping RT rhinos and get some more red primer, anyways, I run these 2 units in the same list:


Librarian (Unleashed Rage, Shield)


8xVV, sarge has TH, Rhino





9xDC, PW, TH, Rhino


I'm also going to build:



HG (4xSS, 3xLC, TH, Banner, JPs)


Backed up by said marine horde (counting as DC) for fun.

All three units have attacks that occur at 3 different initiative numbers.

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LRR with 5 cc terminators TDA sang priest and TDA libby


Doesn't that overload the LRR? I think you'd need a Crusader to fit that lot in.


Yeah quite possibly, I haven't built the unit yet but I wanted to use the LRR for it's twin flamestorms! But yeah I think I could only fit 6 TDA models inside, my bad.


The two other blokes don't have to have TDA, and then you can cram them all in.


Yeah true, I love the LRR for it's flamestorm cannons, I want to run 3 land raiders, probably 2 standard and one LRR, the two standard will have 10 RAS in them and the LRR the cc terminators, I think I could run a full army in just 3 land raiders! Maybe have 2 vindicators too but I just love the idea of a full LR army.

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