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A question i cant find an answer to?

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So I have been thinking about starting a chaos army for some time now and I have built up what I thinks going to be a half way decent list but I ran into a snag about if I could actually use the idea I had for a Sorcerer. The way I am wanting to do is that the army is going to be an merc warband thats mostly undivided and my Sorcerer was going to have, Doom bolt, Warp time, Daemonic Steed, Personal Icon, Familiar. Thats were I ran into a snag I wasent sure if it was legal game wise without him having any marks of chaos? If thats the case then ill have to move some points around and see what I can do lol. Thanks in advance for the help
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In order to have a steed he must be marked to a particular god (Nurgle, Tzeentch or Slaneesh)


I thought the Undivided Steed was the bike...


At least, it's the closest you can get right now.


In order to have a steed he must be marked to a particular god (Nurgle, Tzeentch or Slaneesh)


I thought the Undivided Steed was the bike...


At least, it's the closest you can get right now.

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