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Vindicare Rending. AP1/AP2

Ashe Darke

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My friend spotted this today, the sneaky guy he is.


The Vindicare, he has the sniper rule which means he rends right. Well upon looking at the Rending rule for shooting it says that if you rend the shots become AP2, which means realistically he stops being AP1. Not a problem against men but against tanks it's very annoying.


This seems to be AP2 RAW but AP1 RAI. I know which one I'll be playing.


EDIT: Hmm maybe him cursing Matt Ward was too soon, upon getting back and looking at my rulebook it says only for rolling 6's to wound. Damn you friend of mine!

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Doesn't the rending rule say that it count as being an ap2 and 1 hit so the weapons ap1 status overrides it. Any why, how I see it being a benefit is that when rolling the 4D6 shots at a tank any 6s can then grant you an additional d3 roll on top.
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The big issue here is that the ability to gain an extra 4D3 armour pen in addition to your 4D6. Rather, the issue here is that if the shot becomes Rending and therefore AP2 then when you roll on vehicle damage you no longer get the +1 bonus on the vehicle damage table for being AP1, making it harder to kill tanks than usual.


In my view, RAW yes, the shot now counts of AP2. However, I'd allow them to take it at AP1. This is the original statline of the weapon, and if you look at all other rending weapons I'm pretty sure all of them are normally AP- to AP4. The rending rule lets them ignore armour but not be overpowered against vehicles. However, the Vindicare has AP1, he's designed to have it, and the only benefit of AP1 is against vehicles, not infantry. Therefore, I'd say he keeps it, as why else would it be AP1? To the best of my knowledge the exitus weaponry is the only AP1 rending weaponry, and IMO in the spirit of the game it should be played as "counts of AP2 unless it is better".


But that's my view, RAW I'd agree it goes down to AP2, which sucks for the Vindicare, but not for the target.

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But that's my view, RAW I'd agree it goes down to AP2, which sucks for the Vindicare, but not for the target.


But RAW doesn't it counts as AP1 AND AP2, don't have the BRB at hand but I'm sure that is what it says so surely the AP2 part doesn't matter.

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Ashe is correct- against vehicles it only adds +d3 to the roll.


Of course, having a total possible AP of 39 is pretty epic, and I dont think its been seen since the heady days of 2nd edition- when it was certainly needed!

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Guys didn't you see the edit? It only goes to AP 2 on rolls to wound, not to penetrate. It's not an issue, my friend just can't read and I was silly enough to post this before checking.


Oh, sorry Ashe Darke, guess we were all too eager and excited to debate this rather then take the time to read everything. :)

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