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Drop pod Sternguard


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I'm curious to try out a drop pod sternguard squad in my lists (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=227439)


9 guys, 3x combi melta and room for a character in the drop pod is very reasonable.

Toss in a priest and you have 3x melta shots on the turn you arrive, then a tough, very shooty squad still keeping all the special bolter shots (thus combi-melta and not melta guns) thereafter.


Anyone run this setup? Seems like a nasty but cost effective group to have in the your opponents lines.



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I like the idea of stengaurd and plan on running them when I start playing (once my first list is all painted) but I'm yet to use drop pods as they are totally new to me.. When did drop pods come out by the way? I'm pretty sure they must be quite recent as I had never seen them until recently (bearing in mind last time I played was 2002)
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TBH I'd go with the meltas rather than the combi weapons. If you're dropping in close enough to use meltas, then a bolter isn't going to do much that a melta isn't. Your squad stays much more versitile with the two meltaguns in there, as it can deal with any other vehicles it encounters. A melta has better odds of downing a space marine or anything tougher than a bolter does.


As for drop podding, I personally prefer a rhino or razorback. I have their firepower first turn and with fast transports I can get into position almost as quickly as deep strike.

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TBH I'd go with the meltas rather than the combi weapons. If you're dropping in close enough to use meltas, then a bolter isn't going to do much that a melta isn't. Your squad stays much more versitile with the two meltaguns in there, as it can deal with any other vehicles it encounters. A melta has better odds of downing a space marine or anything tougher than a bolter does.


As for drop podding, I personally prefer a rhino or razorback. I have their firepower first turn and with fast transports I can get into position almost as quickly as deep strike.


Yes but if you take a normal meltagun you lose the bolter with special issue ammunition for them which is the cool thing for them. If you really want multiple melta shots, take them all with combi-meltas.

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I used them a lot initially, they're just as good for blood angels as they are for vanilla marines, infact if you put a priest with them they're better due to more survivability and a better punch if they need to charge.


I used a group of 6 regularly alongside Tycho and a priest. Awesome against most armies, load up on combi weapons for them to really shine however.

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I used them a lot initially, they're just as good for blood angels as they are for vanilla marines, infact if you put a priest with them they're better due to more survivability and a better punch if they need to charge.


I used a group of 6 regularly alongside Tycho and a priest. Awesome against most armies, load up on combi weapons for them to really shine however.


Pretty much exactly what I had in mind - even with a Librarian to get the shield power as well.

Check out my army list as well, see what you think if they fit in.


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Hey man


I am a big advocate of Sternguard. They are really awesome and can perform a variety of tasks. Usually I run 5 with a couple combis and a priest in a las/plas razorback. Still cheap and mobile. You have a lot of points dropping really close and then footslogging across the board. And if your opponent reserves everything then your shock and awe tactic is nullified. Try them in a rhino or razorback. Drive 12, get out, kill a big bug. Next turn get in position to do the same. If I drop pod it's usually a combat squadded tac, or 10 DC.

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I have mixed feelings on drop pods. 1/2 rounded up of your drop pods arrive 1st turn. That means, that if you only have 1 pod it's showing up turn one. The advantage of drop pods is they can hit later in the game and allow you to drop something that isn't terminators on the enemy's doorstep. Plus a reduced chance of deepstrike misshaps. ALways nice. Downside...if you only have 1 it shows up turn one. So if you want to use a pod use more than one. use at least 2, and put someting in one that you want to show up turn 1.
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If I were to use drop pods I'd take a talon dread or DC dread in one, along with a nice big squad in a second pod. You can drop the dread in early where it's a nice scary distraction from your transports. If they concentrate on the dread, your transports and other units have time to get into position. If they ignore it, then you have a killing machine deep in their territory which they'll have to deal with. Your second pod can then be used to contest objectives late on or to plug a gap in your line.
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If I were to use drop pods I'd take a talon dread or DC dread in one, along with a nice big squad in a second pod. You can drop the dread in early where it's a nice scary distraction from your transports. If they concentrate on the dread, your transports and other units have time to get into position. If they ignore it, then you have a killing machine deep in their territory which they'll have to deal with. Your second pod can then be used to contest objectives late on or to plug a gap in your line.


Just be sure you're not banking on the dread surviving or else you will be disappointed. Your opponent will likely divert any heavy weapon fire he has to taking it out, so avoid kitting it out too much. Blood Talons are free though, and make him extra scary if you put him anywhere near infantry, guaranteeing a big response/distraction. Also consider carrying an empty pod, that way you can just drop a deathwind launcher in and then allow your Sternguard to come in via regular reserve rules.

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Ive run a 3 pod list for a damn long time now, and had terrific results.


Drop 2 pods, one with sterngaurd (or DC) the other a tac squad.Take a flamer for the tacs, and also a teleporter.


Drop them both first turn wherever you want, but near enogh to enemy units to use the rule about shortened distance, use the tacs teleporter to bring down a termie squad (i use tac termies) with a priest in TDA, then attach the priest to the tac or the Stern (ive used DC lately instead and ill keep using them i think).Turn 2-3 you now have a fir bastion that survives a hail of fire, has enough numbers to withstand plasma volleys and can easily spread out to take a table quarter or contest up to 3 objectives.


Thats my plan anyhoo. :P

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Yeah, thanks all - definitely sounds like a solid unit.

Now I gotta decide between an attached librarian for the shield cover save, or whether to go with the Librarian Furioso I've been thinking about.

Either way, sternguard will be in the final list.




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I've played 9 sternguard with a priest in a pod a few times and have really enjoyed it for the most part (I mis-used them a few times in the first game or two). I usually give them a smattering of combi weaponry in particular combi-melta and flamers, but I think combi plasma would be a strong choice in some cases too. The priest w/a combi weapon is a nice bonus for the unit to, FnP makes them pretty survivable and they are a decent threat in cc as well with FC and 2 base attacks.


There's nothing like podding in some Sternguard and killing off a Hive Tyrant or other similarly big nasty threat on turn 1.

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