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Knights of Blood Death Company Terminators


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Captain: +++Is the final stage ready?+++

Techmarine: +++Yes, my lord+++

Captain: +++Chaplain, is everything ready?+++

Chaplain over vox: +++Yes, my lord+++


Captain to Terminator Squad: +++Lord Sanguinius, Scouts report Horus and his Daemonspawn are inside an abandoned human carwash. Coordinates have been sent+++

Captain to Techmarine: +++Wait for all of them to enter before you push the button!!!+++

Techmarine: +++Yes, my lord+++


Mere seconds later, 5 angry behemoths come crashing over the piles of rubble strewn around the fallen city. They each pause to center themselves upon the coordinates their Captain sent them moments ago. Not knowing what lay in store for them/him, each Veteran clad in his Company's finest Tactical Dreadnought Armour, effortlessly and fearlessly bound toward the entranceway building up rage with every step at the possibility of exacting retribution on the occupants within. Each believing within himself that he is The Primarch Reincarnate and only sees himself multiplied five-fold to decimate the enemy within. He, and they, burst through the long lengths of industrialized plastic hanging from the entrance expecting to surprise a building inhabited with Chaos spectres and Greater Daemons only to find none.


Once the last behemoth's entirety crossed over the threshold, a soft whirring initiated and the floor began to move slowly forward toward a pair of 10-foot tall spinning brushes. A stream of multicolored foam laced with ceremonial oils, ungents, incenses and soap sprayed each of the 5 manshapes. Each warrior in turn scanned the entirety of the building to verify no enemies were within its walls.


They each realized that upon this moving platform Imperial vehicles were once washed, rinsed and waxed, and since each of them was burdened with carrying their fair share of the battlefield upon himself, and since there were no enemies about, why not restore his armour to its rightful magmanamous glory.


Little did they know, their Chapter's Techmarine had replaced the final wax stage with Astartes Black Spray-N-Go Armour-All . So, when the door at the end of the bay raised to release its customers, ***voila*** out came 5 of the most perfectly painted Death Company Terminators that the Imperium has ever seen.


Captain to Techmarine: +++Good job, Knight! I think you just found a way to not get your servitors killed inducting our First Company brothers into the Death Company!+++


Captain to Strike Cruiser: +++Send them the real coordinates+++


Captain over Company-wide vox net: +++Knights of Blood, stay out of our brothers' auspex range. Smoke 'em if you got 'em and enjoy the show! This will be the end of this bloody campaign and we'll finally be able to get the hell off this rock once and for all! For the Emperor!!!!+++


Knights of Blood: +++FOR SANGUINIUS!!!+++

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