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How do kill a Vindicare Assassin

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Hi guys


Recently had a 1500 point bash with my mates new GK army and got my head served on a plate by his Vindicare Assassin, as he had a tech marine that "blostered" its cover by 1+ and it also has shelath so it has a nice little 2+ cover save and sits half way across the map hitting my tanks on +2/+4 and then rolling 4D6.


Any tips would be great

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A swift application of Lash and Termicide or Lascannons , provided you can get the demon prince in range , you can lash him out of cover. Which should only take a single movement phase if your demon prince has wings and is posistioned correctly.
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vindicaires tend not to be great when assaulted , but i know your pain , at least the range of their exitus rifle isnt as long as it used to be

if you can get in range another possibilty would be to drag him out of the building with lash of submission ;p

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here's a crazy idea... chaos chosen with 4x flamers infiltrated close enough to be able to use them.


again it's a crazy idea

chosen with 4 flamers is far from a crazy idea , in fact i can assure you dark eldar players can and will hate you for it

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Flamers are always great for stealth units.


But even if you like to pass over 'Lash' its the #1 way for taking untis out of cover. proceed with really any long range fire:: Autocannon/Heavy Bolter are AP4, Lazcannon/Missile witll sita-kill, plasma will make short work, even bolter fire (4+ armor 2 wounds doesnt last forever)


Or lash into assault works too.

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tbh id think a for more amusing use of lash would be to put him behind a wall :) (not sure if his sniper rifle is a heavy weapon?) hed to move a turn or 2 at least to get back to his safe spot ;) then again if you play kill points or simply want him gone pulling him out of the building is indeed the better option....but wheres the fun in that? :(
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if it worked. you take a psyker within a vindicar and stop him from moving outside of the 6" range[you cast gift before movment] . so he not only has 2-3 turns of shoting at your caster , but also the GK are full of anti psyker stuff. Good luck trying to spawn him .


only way is to kill him in hth .

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