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Blood Boars


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My suguestion is Try Google, you should be able to find an image then import into an image editing program, Reduce the size of the image down to about a square a quater of an inch across I think. Cut out with exacto knife. then cut out the area around it to be roughly a half inch You now have a stencil. Place this over the shoulder gaurd in question and apply paint. Remove stencil and place on next should gaurd. Repeate as desired/needed
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if you can be botherd maby see if you can get one of the spacewolves shoulderpads and de fluff it and re shape the nose to look more like a snout and give it a tusk if you can. if that all work make a greenstuff mould and mass produce them. on a side thought try the chaos range for termys as some of their termy helms have tusks that could be quite fitting. and even nose rings on them too would be quite cool. though that depends on how much you plan to delve into the whole boar aspect of your chapter....
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If you just want transfer sheets the Bretonnian sheets for war hammer fantasy have what I believe is boar heads.


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