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Alternate Mephiston Model?


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Hi fellow BA players! After much suggestion from you guys to try out Mephiston in my Mech army I have decided to get a model for him...then I saw his actual model ;) I don't mean to offend because he's so awesome and many people like him but I think he could look a lot cooler than he does... >_<


Does anyone have any ideas for an alternate model for Mephiston? Or other kits that can be bashed into a real cool Mephiston model?


Thanks! ;);

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If I were to build my own Mephiston, I would start with a base of Sanguinary Guard body and probably mix in some Grey Knights bits and DC bits.
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Mine is built with following parts:


Decapitate, remove arms + legs from astorath/use a drill of some sort to properly remove his head without damaging the torso.


add a dark angel lower body(need to remove the back)


Give him 2 arms from the death company spure, a plasma pistor and a power weapon with the blade removed


use a Grey stuff(I prefer it) or greenstuff and make him a mantel of some sort,


Scalp a BA head and give the dude lots of hair,


Add a back pack from the deathcompany spure


add mephistons sword where the blade on the powerweapon used to be (optional... but I had a spare^_^)


Voilá: Mephiston, the lord of death


(also thinking about adding mephistons psychic hood)


Though as JamesI said... mixing plastic boxes are alot easier... Sanguinary guard, deathcompany, grey knights and a space marine commander box and you have a mephiston that looks great

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Is this what your talking about Eorek?





Maybe this will work?



But I dont think it looks "epic" enough..



Also, what is the biggest 1 handed sword SM bit there is? I think the GK Nemesis force weapon right? I might use that...I want it to be huge! :tu:

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These are the legs that I see people use most often for their Mephiston conversions. I think one of the Sang Guard torsos makes a pretty good addition as well with just a little green stuff to give it that visceral look. Recently I discovered a Space Wolf Head that might work pretty well if you carve off the headband. The rest of the really "Mephiston" looking parts you might have to take from the existing model, e.g. his psychic hood and weapons.
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Thanks guys!


I am trying to make the model without showing the head though. I'm trying to go for Meph wit a helmet on. So I'm trying to find some epic cool lookin helm or some way I can modify one to make it look lots better.


Like those DA legs though. I'm thinking those legs with a SM Captain cape?


with a DA bottom? What do you guys think?

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oh wait... you want a hood as in cape hood and not a psychic hood? then Dark angel veterans are the way to go


Also my first mephiston was built from DA/sanguinary guard/the captains cloak and mephistons sword + some greenstuff

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Alternatively you could find a way to get the chaos space marine possessed backpack that has demonic bat-like wings growing out of it.


From this box sex http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1090266


I was also looking at making a model for him until somebody at my LGS gave me the pack for free. I haven't looked back, and that little simple backpack makes all the difference, he truly looks like a nightmare now, something other squads wouldn't want to join with. The pack suits his model ridiculously well.

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This my vision of my Blood Angels Librarian. The base is just a wip.










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oh wait... you want a hood as in cape hood and not a psychic hood? then Dark angel veterans are the way to go


Also my first mephiston was built from DA/sanguinary guard/the captains cloak and mephistons sword + some greenstuff


Oh really? Do you have picture of that model? That's pretty much what I'm going to be planning to do. :3 it'd be nice to see it.


DA veterans? I'll check those out.


Those librarian pictures are...sexy...>_> I want! What body is that? What arm is that one behind held straight out? Is that mephistons hood collar cape thing?


Have you guys seen jawaballs Vampire Mephiston? I don't like the vampire face buy I really really like the way the cloak flows through the model. The cape just works perfect with the body on it!

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Jawaballs took Vlad von Carstein's model, it is on the GW site:

Vlad von Carstein


I'm in the process of creating Mephiston with bits and GS:








And yes, Aubéron's model is pretty impressive/awesome.





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If you have any experience with using a jeweler's saw, or have an ability to cut through pewter cleanly, consider using the Astorath model. The armor is pretty much already styled similarly to the original Mephiston model, so it's just sculpting/adding the detail back to bring it in line with the original look.






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This my vision of my Blood Angels Librarian. The base is just a wip.












Woah Sang, is that yours? It's one of the best I've seen too, that is so good, the sword and the beam coming out of his hand, ahhmazing!!


And teemoki, I quite like the Mephiston model but he does have a dodgy mullet, hahah, I'm not a fan of space marines hair do's to be honest but I think with mephiston it has a certain coolness, it's dodgy but it's still cool IMO!! Haha.

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