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Vanguard veteran's load out


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I've started making a DoA army and have been thinking of using a ten man vanguard veteran squad in my army.

The problem I am having is I have no idea what to give them. I'm just wondering how people who use them equip them.

I will now make a list of what I have so far if that helps in any way.


3x10 man assault squads 1 melta, 1 flamer, power fist and plasma pistol.


1x5 man sanguinary guard 1 power fist, plasma pistol.


2 sanguinary priests with power weapons.


2 Reclusiarch/chaplain's one with a plasma pistol one with a power fist


Commander Dante


Thank you for your time and help.

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I've started a similar thread some time ago, which is now added to BA Resource project and it really helped me to decide how to equip VV. So you may check it first - there are lots of good ideas on VV load out.


I run 10 men VV with Glaive on Sarge, 2 power weapons, 2 lightning claws (on different models), a thunder hammer and two melta bombs. I often combat squad them and have the following load-out: (1) Glaive, LC, PW, CCW, CCW+MB and (2) LC, PW, TH, CCW, CCW+MB. There is no similar models in bot hsquads, and they are pretty nasty in terms of killing some MEQ and even MC (I'm talking about TH squad).

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