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havok with a jump pack?

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sorry noticed this when looking up a question in the ba forum but noticed in the death company picture that behind/above the death co there appears to be 2 chaos marines (due to the 8 pointed star symbol) above or behind them. they appear to have jump packs(almost like hte sanguard styled ones but as they side on its hard to be sure...)and one has a what appears to be a heavy bolter.

so whas your take on this? just a screw up on the artists behalf, a hint at whats to come, or me miss seeing the items in the pic? or any other interpretations. also while we're at it any other such pics with other such things you have noticed in it or other dexes?

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havent read tht in quite a while. dont suppose you could liinky it...?And for some reason i dont see chaos using attack bikes, well at least like the imperial ones, maby with big chainsaws that they do drive throughs insteasd of drive bys with...
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