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Where's that bit from?


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Title says it all. On page 74 of our codex theres a representation of Moriar using the new Furioso kit. On his left shoulder there's a winged chalice that looks like it's a moulded bit and not scratched. Does this bit come in the kit? If it doesn't what kit does it come in? Looking around the bitz sellers no-one seems to have it, which surprises me.



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Word of advice though: When I ordered that FW product I ended up with the worst resin nightmare ever... (hard as hell to remove all the resin that wasn't supposed to be there... I still have bad dreams about it!
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The Moriar in the Codex is bit-bashed. It was done before the model. I bought the forge world icons and it is a mystery to me how you were supposed to detach them from the flashing of the resin. You would need a surgical scalpel to cut round the feathers. What I did was to slice them off the resin, which seemed to work. The symbol, which is also on the forge world doors. is canonically the insignia of the second company rather than a generic BA symbol. We suppose in this case the Dread has some of its old company affiliations in its decoration.
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ditto on the nightmare with the BA icons from Forge World. I have had really bad luck with basically everything I have ordered from them that is resin based. On the other hand the brass etching are completely awsome.
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