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Bikes as troops...


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Hey i was just reading over some lists and found people counting regular bikes as troop choices. My question is, is there a hero that makes them count as troops or does any vanilla marine army have the option of taking bikes as a troop choice. I only ask this because they are in the fast attack section of the codex with no mention that i can see of counting as troop. Anyways let me know if i just missed something really big. thanks.
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Hey i was just reading over some lists and found people counting regular bikes as troop choices. My question is, is there a hero that makes them count as troops or does any vanilla marine army have the option of taking bikes as a troop choice. I only ask this because they are in the fast attack section of the codex with no mention that i can see of counting as troop. Anyways let me know if i just missed something really big. thanks.


And there are some nice lists from that too:


3++ on bikes


3++ Blood Rodeo


EDIT: Link go somewhere useful :P

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Page 132 of the Space Marine Codex, under the Captain entry, box marked Mounted Assault.


This is what you're looking for. Also Kahn has the ability to take a special bike which allows the same rule to take effect.

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And there are some nice lists from that too:


3++ on bikes


3++ Blood Rodeo


Neither link actually points at the articles named, and neither list is really all that great. Meltaspammy, meaning short-ranged and easily counter-charged.

But I'll digress on the tactica...:blink:


EDIT: I see now. I thought I linked to a search menu. Alas, no.


Well, there are so many variants, I thought it better to link to the 'menu' rather than a specific 'meal', so to speak.


Melta is needed by all lists, but perhaps more so on bikes, as they are not packing auto cannons, las cannons and missile launchers.

You might prefer plasma, but that you kill a Biker just as easily as the cheaper Marine with gets hot! is a bad idea, imo. Bikes don't have abundant dudes in the first place, let alone helping the enemy to kill them more quickly and ignoring the t5 that you paid for!


The whole point of combat tactics is to duck the bikes out of the fray, which works better than the Khan variant. Who needs outflank when your list is already mobile and has a big weakness when getting stuck in protracted mêlées?


Now plasma might work for Bloods, due to having FNP too. Also, they don't have combat tactics, and so being longer reached is a good thing.


If you write better lists and tacticas on bikes, link away brother, link away :P

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