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Storm Ravens


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Okay, here's one for everybody:


How many people actually use a Stormraven in their army and what has been your experience with them? See, I'm thinking of starting a small Flesh Tearers force (because they seem the meanest sods this side of Chaos) and I'm mulling over one but have never actually seen one in action.


All the BA players around here go with either mech-heavy or jump heavy, not giving me much comparison to go with. Which I suppose might tell me a lot.


So, opinions?

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Don't count on them to live long, but sometimes against all odds, they do, and become MVP.


If you're going to use them, make sure you're actually transporting some units, and units that will take attention away from the SR is even better.


After the payload has been delivered, and they survived turn 1, i typically just use them to turbo boost around and multi-melta armor. For this purpose, EA is a good upgrade, as is a secondary weapon that can punch through transports or something if your melta gets destroyed. Most people seem to prefer the AC for versatility.

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Use it to drop of a hefty crew of dc with lemartes and a dc dread with blood talons if you're wanting to mash squishies, that's one of the best ways.. The other is 5 cc termies and TDA sang priest and librarian furioso both are ridiculous and if you can fit both in your list without disrupting the general rapor of your list then once your birds deliver their cargo you WILL table your opponent and some!!!!
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I run one in every list (1500 points) and have yet to lose it outright.


The worst result I've had from it has been ending the game with it immobilised after being assault by 20 odd Genestealers and BroodLord. I stopped moving for a turn to unload everything at a Swarmlord and Tyrant guard unit. The guard all died and the Swarmlord was left on 1 wound (I finished it off with melta from another unit).


On the Nids next turn they rolled well for reserves and the stealers came in behind the raven and (luckily) all they did was immobilise it in the assault. I wiped the Nids out all except a gaunt and a biovore that game and won on objectives but I feel it would have been easier if the raven wasn't stationary for 4 turns!


I run the following set up mostly


Raven (TLMM, TLAC, EA - with the Hurricanes if there's points)

The usual cargo is always DC and DC dread with talons.


I usually target the threats to the raven turn 1 and then unleash the DC on as much infantry as soon as I can. The raven then provides cover fire and transport as needed.

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Use it to drop of a hefty crew of dc with lemartes and a dc dread with blood talons if you're wanting to mash squishies, that's one of the best ways.. The other is 5 cc termies and TDA sang priest and librarian furioso both are ridiculous and if you can fit both in your list without disrupting the general rapor of your list then once your birds deliver their cargo you WILL table your opponent and some!!!!



One issue with that tactic; even at basic cost with no upgrades, you're sinking 625 points into one group which can be destroyed and stranded with a lucky shot from anything of strength six or higher.


Drop pods and rhinos are better transport options, and armour 12 is too light to use it purely as a gun ship. I fully intend to paint up and use a storm raven at some point, but it's quite low on the old list of priorities.

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Use it to drop of a hefty crew of dc with lemartes and a dc dread with blood talons if you're wanting to mash squishies, that's one of the best ways.. The other is 5 cc termies and TDA sang priest and librarian furioso both are ridiculous and if you can fit both in your list without disrupting the general rapor of your list then once your birds deliver their cargo you WILL table your opponent and some!!!!



One issue with that tactic; even at basic cost with no upgrades, you're sinking 625 points into one group which can be destroyed and stranded with a lucky shot from anything of strength six or higher.


Drop pods and rhinos are better transport options, and armour 12 is too light to use it purely as a gun ship. I fully intend to paint up and use a storm raven at some point, but it's quite low on the old list of priorities.


That is a huge issue. It's hower quite useful for craming 10 d.c and lemartes into. It is after all the only veichle that can transport lemartes, and who said the D.C had to have jump packs?

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Drop pods and rhinos are better transport options, and armour 12 is too light to use it purely as a gun ship...


They're not as light as you might think. I had the same reluctance to use them as they're only armour 12, but then I started to use them. Currently I play 2 with DC dread, DC& Lemmy and the other with Libby,Corb's and assault squad with Furioso.


These babies more often than not get their payloads delivered all the time. The 24" movement and then shooting with POTMS is game winning most of the time. Otherwise you still move 12" and assault from them with the DC dread... being able to Fleet with the dread put me in the lines 9 out of 10 times.


Just don't keep the cost in your mind all the time. Yes it cost 200+ points and can die, but ultimatly it's a transport that can deliver reliably accors the table almost every time. They're targets until you drop the payload, and depending what you have for the rest of the army they can keep the enemy busy while the rest of your army can manuever in for the kill. If they survive the cargo drop, then you have a moving weapons platform that can handle any situation.


Droppods = free killpoints in a KP game.

Landraiders are slow (unless you deepstrike)

Rhino's cannot carry jumppact equiped units/IC's


A Stormraven have more options for deployment than any other vehicle & can get coversaves for moving 24", it also has more firepower than a Landraider.


I love using then, at the moment they are winning games for me.

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People usually argue that you can't go flat out and use POTMS, as you're not allowed to fire any weapons per flat out rules.


You're also not allowed to fire any weapons when stunned but PotMS allows you to do so. One more than none is one.

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People usually argue that you can't go flat out and use POTMS, as you're not allowed to fire any weapons per flat out rules.


You're also not allowed to fire any weapons when stunned but PotMS allows you to do so. One more than none is one.


I'm not saying it shouldn't be able to, the rule is just unclear. It only refers to stunned, shaken and cruising speed. No mention is made of flat out, as they're just refering

to the Land Raider entry. Rule Nazis will assault you on this. I've been assaulted with it xD

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People usually argue that you can't go flat out and use POTMS, as you're not allowed to fire any weapons per flat out rules.


You're also not allowed to fire any weapons when stunned but PotMS allows you to do so. One more than none is one.


This has been FAQed... One more then none is always one...except when its smoke. *Sigh*

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People usually argue that you can't go flat out and use POTMS, as you're not allowed to fire any weapons per flat out rules.


You're also not allowed to fire any weapons when stunned but PotMS allows you to do so. One more than none is one.


I'm not saying it shouldn't be able to, the rule is just unclear. It only refers to stunned, shaken and cruising speed. No mention is made of flat out, as they're just refering

to the Land Raider entry. Rule Nazis will assault you on this. I've been assaulted with it xD



It's in the BA FAQ. You can fire a weapon after moving flat out.

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I use 2 ravens in every list (since I rarely play below 1500 points). Rarely have I lost one early in the game, and thats only when I play someone who fears the Blood Talon dread its carrying more then the raven itself. Hoping to get a 3rd soon.
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Just bought my first stormraven from my local GW, I got the last one! All of the GK stuff has been sold too other than the metal blisters and a couple of dreadknights, so thts my nightmare confirmed, there's gonna be alot of GK armies at my local soon <_< but back onto topic of the raven.. What size magnets do I need to magnetise the wings? I also was gonna paint it up DC colours but I've got my blood angel red looking so damn fine I think I'm gonna have to go with that instead and paint my second one up DC!
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Use it to drop of a hefty crew of dc with lemartes and a dc dread with blood talons if you're wanting to mash squishies, that's one of the best ways.. The other is 5 cc termies and TDA sang priest and librarian furioso both are ridiculous and if you can fit both in your list without disrupting the general rapor of your list then once your birds deliver their cargo you WILL table your opponent and some!!!!



One issue with that tactic; even at basic cost with no upgrades, you're sinking 625 points into one group which can be destroyed and stranded with a lucky shot from anything of strength six or higher.


Drop pods and rhinos are better transport options, and armour 12 is too light to use it purely as a gun ship. I fully intend to paint up and use a storm raven at some point, but it's quite low on the old list of priorities.


That is a huge issue. It's hower quite useful for craming 10 d.c and lemartes into. It is after all the only veichle that can transport lemartes, and who said the D.C had to have jump packs?



Thats why My DC bomb with Lemarts that is 625pts has Jumpacks :blink: and When you have to choose between a Stormraven with a 5 man assault squad and a DC dread with Talons (or a Libby Furioso) or 10 Jump Pcak DC with Lemates in your face, where is your attention going?

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Thats why My DC bomb with Lemarts that is 625pts has Jumpacks :) and When you have to choose between a Stormraven with a 5 man assault squad and a DC dread with Talons (or a Libby Furioso) or 10 Jump Pcak DC with Lemates in your face, where is your attention going?


A SW player with 3x LF squads will just target both :P


A lot of the already mentioned is why I'm very hesitant to use a SR. However my favorite model in our dex is the Furioso and the SR is the coolest way to take him across the board. Most cost effecient? Effective? Maybe...probably not >_> Like many have replied it is great when it works it's magic and drops off it's payload. But I think vs almost any army they will be able to take it out unless you get lucky by getting a cover save (rare), getting first turn, or them just having horrible rolls. It's like putting all your eggs in one basket. A very large costed expensive basket.


IMO if it works you will be miles ahead of the opponent and roll his face in because you now have successfully entered his lines with whatever the heck you want and have a really strong heavy firepower gunship on the table ready to wreck face. But if it doesn't work I think you pretty much auto lose...because now all your non-jump pack stuff and non-libby wings Dreds and gunship will be dead/walking and effectively "taken out" for the rest of the game... :/ That's normally about 600+ points your now losing...ouch


I'm still going to try it though :P

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I love the fluff of the Death Company, marines beyond sanities recall, the Stormraven fits my idea of a Death Company assault vehicle, no other army has Death Company and almost no other army has the Stormraven. You can debate win or lose it makes no difference to me. A storm raven packed with Death Company Lemartes and a Death Company Dreadnought is Blood Angels.
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