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Storm Ravens


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I love the fluff of the Death Company, marines beyond sanities recall, the Stormraven fits my idea of a Death Company assault vehicle, no other army has Death Company and almost no other army has the Stormraven. You can debate win or lose it makes no difference to me. A storm raven packed with Death Company Lemartes and a Death Company Dreadnought is Blood Angels.


Yeah man, that's exactly what I think too and why I bought a SR, for my DC!

Why is there such negativity towards the SR, if you have a solid plan to take out or atleast tie up the major threats to it then the SR will just cruise up and drop off IMO I mean it's not like I'm gonna try and send it up the field with loads of threats pointed at it.. Deep striking melta honour guard, multi melta attack bikes, Baal predators and vindicators all are gonna have something to say about you shooting at my new bird as well as las/plas RB's and the fact the SR itself is pretty well armed too, I have a feeling that with this much to deal with when it's all working in synergy that the SR will get to where it's going.

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You can use one perfectly fine as long as you have a plan for it's survival but if you have two you can be alot more experimental and how to make them survive IMO, I am planning on running two at 2500 points but only one at 2000 but I would like to try and run two at 2000 but it would have to have an assault squad in the second instead of my dual hammer list for 2500 (one DC and the other cc terminators, both with dreads)
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Personally..like I said before, I'm scared of using them because of only AV12, no scout for cover saves etc. However the benefits just may outweigh the negatives. Only lots of testing will smooth this out for me. Here we go! Testing ahoy! ;)
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Personally..like I said before, I'm scared of using them because of only AV12, no scout for cover saves etc. However the benefits just may outweigh the negatives. Only lots of testing will smooth this out for me. Here we go! Testing ahoy! :)


My advice is that if you don't get the first turn, reserve your Raven. You can bet every gun in the enemy lineup will try to shoot it down otherwise.

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Personally..like I said before, I'm scared of using them because of only AV12, no scout for cover saves etc. However the benefits just may outweigh the negatives. Only lots of testing will smooth this out for me. Here we go! Testing ahoy! :cuss


Get a buddy to let you play DE for a game, you will never think of AV12 as fragile again.

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Tau with railguns are also really bad news for Stormravens but on the other hand who plays fisheads anymore? :)


At 2500 points I think two Stormravens would work well and I'd fill one up with assault terminators... Both would have dreadnaughts naturally. At 2000 points I run just one. Any lower on the points level and I run pure jump infantry.


G :D

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Personally..like I said before, I'm scared of using them because of only AV12, no scout for cover saves etc. However the benefits just may outweigh the negatives. Only lots of testing will smooth this out for me. Here we go! Testing ahoy! :P


My advice is that if you don't get the first turn, reserve your Raven. You can bet every gun in the enemy lineup will try to shoot it down otherwise.


Absolutely and what happened while you waited in reserve ? the stuff you wanted to close with using the Stormraven just got closer, anyone who is not comfortable with things getting closer for combat needs to ask the question what do Blood Angels do again?


Even having the SR in reserve will make your opponent think twice on deployment, can you afford to have as many points in reserve? ask this question, can your opponent ignore so many points of airborne hell circling the table? if it dictates his game style and deployment its already taken the initiative from him. Think about that.

I just get this thought of a bunch of BA in the close confines of a Storm raven punching through atmosphere looking up at the drop light, red ... amber.... green ! Death Company, here we go.


Seriously all fluff aside if you can't make a Stormraven work for your win you need to work more on gameplay enjoy that or just do what I intend and have fun with it :geek:

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Personally..like I said before, I'm scared of using them because of only AV12, no scout for cover saves etc. However the benefits just may outweigh the negatives. Only lots of testing will smooth this out for me. Here we go! Testing ahoy! :)


My advice is that if you don't get the first turn, reserve your Raven. You can bet every gun in the enemy lineup will try to shoot it down otherwise.


Absolutely and what happened while you waited in reserve ? the stuff you wanted to close with using the Stormraven just got closer, anyone who is not comfortable with things getting closer for combat needs to ask the question what do Blood Angels do again?


Even having the SR in reserve will make your opponent think twice on deployment, can you afford to have as many points in reserve? ask this question, can your opponent ignore so many points of airborne hell circling the table? if it dictates his game style and deployment its already taken the initiative from him. Think about that.

I just get this thought of a bunch of BA in the close confines of a Storm raven punching through atmosphere looking up at the drop light, red ... amber.... green ! Death Company, here we go.


Seriously all fluff aside if you can't make a Stormraven work for your win you need to work more on gameplay enjoy that or just do what I intend and have fun with it :)


Very inspirational post, I love it when people dish out some stormraven and in fact all round BA wisdom. I fully intend to use a stormraven (for starters I just got one on Monday) and making it work, it's an amazing piece of kit that we have that we should embrace, not shun! We will only complain if they add the SR to vanilla marines codex so I say even if that happens, atleast we will be pros in SR deployment while everyone else is painting there's up. Saying that though, I really hope no more armies get the SR, it's one of my favourite things in our dex!

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my list has 2 ravens its, its a simple list


captain with pair of l/claws

hq chaplin


full tactical in a drop pod, miss/melta

full tactical in drop pod, plasma cannon/melta


full assault squad, melta

full assault squad, melta


dread with blood talons

dread with blood talons


2 priests


2 ravens with melts and las, beacon


the idear is my hq and priest lead the assault units in the ravens backed up with the dreads, turn 2 i drop the tacs in support or get them to land on the objectives

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my list has 2 ravens its, its a simple list


captain with pair of l/claws

hq chaplin


full tactical in a drop pod, miss/melta

full tactical in drop pod, plasma cannon/melta


full assault squad, melta

full assault squad, melta


dread with blood talons

dread with blood talons


2 priests


2 ravens with melts and las, beacon


the idear is my hq and priest lead the assault units in the ravens backed up with the dreads, turn 2 i drop the tacs in support or get them to land on the objectives


So have you used this list much, how do you usually deploy your ravens, how do you stop them from getting shot down and do they survive often?

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played once against a dark eldar army that was dark lance heavy, had to model rep the ravens, but worked rather nice, i deployed them on the board at the start for that change to get the charge, lost the first one in turn 3, it taken 3 lance shots to kill it, but at that point my captain and assault squad were killing space elves with there dread in support.


i like them, it brings a whole new way to play marines, and as a play who enjoys fluff based armys i love it, i cant wait for my space wolves to be able to use them, i'll pick up 2 more if that happens


10/10 for me

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I've been using a kind of all-around list:



2x Sanguinary Priests

Furisio Dread w/ Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer

Tac Squad x10, ML, Flamer, Sgt. w/P-weapon, Rhino

Tac Squad x10, ML, Meltagun, Sgt. w/P-fist

Death Company x10, Plasma Pistol, T-Hammer, P-Fist

DC Dread, Blood Talons, Hvy Flamer

Baal Pred w/AC, HB Sponons

Ball Pred w/Flamestorm, Hvy Flamer Sponsons

Storm Raven, Hurricane Bolter Sponsons

Storm Raven, Hurrican Bolter Sponsons


I'm playing in a league right now, with lots of different missions and mostly power armor armies. So far, the Storm Ravens and the DC have been the stars of my list. The Storm Ravens, playing gunship/transport have been excellent! One usually dies early in the game (The Death Company one), but after that, as my opponents have to deal more and more with the rest of my list, I have found the other Storm Raven will last well into the endgame. I don't really like to give them much in the way of upgrades, as they are pretty pricey as is. I also like to keep the TL Heavy Bolter over the Meltagun, simply because if I am tank hunting, I have Bloodstrike Missles and the Assault Cannon, and the extra range and shots from the HB helps against hordes.


My experience so far has shown that the best way to field Storm Ravens are in pairs, don't get fancy (KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid), and remember they can transport a lot of guys! Also, have something else on the board to threaten your opponent and take away some of the firepower directed at them. For this, I like to use my Scouting, Fast Baal Preds and shove them down my opponents throat so he will have to deal with them or suffer the consequences.

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Magnetising my SR's wings, anyone?



I didn't magnetize mine, the stormraven fits nicely in its own box.


As for my Stormraven. I started with Blood Angels but I like Flesh Tearers more. (easier to paint and more brutal)


I run a SR with EA, TLAC, Typhoon missle launcher and a locater beacon. Inside I run Seth, 10 assault marines with 2 meltas, a PP, and Corbulo. On the back i have a talon and MG furioso.


Seth has yet to die since I got him (17 games) and has always made his points back or better. Pretty much the assault marines are 10 extra wounds of shooting and 2 extra meltas. With Corbs they get harder to kill, and Corbulo himself has got the kill on a lot of units/MCs after seth killed most of them.

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One issue with that tactic; even at basic cost with no upgrades, you're sinking 625 points into one group which can be destroyed and stranded with a lucky shot from anything of strength six or higher.


Drop pods and rhinos are better transport options, and armour 12 is too light to use it purely as a gun ship. I fully intend to paint up and use a storm raven at some point, but it's quite low on the old list of priorities.


That's why you keep it in reserve and fly it in from the table edge. Use flatout to get the 3+ cover save and you still get to fire one of the guns with Machine Spirit. Drop Pods and Rhinos are definitely not better IMO. I got tired of Deep Striking a Pod with a Dreadnaught and talons only to watch it get blown up the following turn. Being an Assault vehicle makes a huge difference. Don't knock it till you try it.

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Ok so... in the mindset of painting a bullseye on a stormraven, what if I were to put 10 deathcompany, a chaplain and mephiston ... then put a DC dreadnought with talons and MG on just for good measure...?


I Just ordered my first storm raven and my Mephiston model and they haven't gotten here yet but I am putting lists together and so far I've got this:




Death company (10x) 3xPW 1xPF 1xTH

Death Company Dreadnought with talons and grapple

Storm Raven with hurricane bolters, TLMM, TLPC



Assault squad (10x) with 2 meltaguns, infernus pistol, metla bomb


Tactical squad (10x) missile launcher and melta bomb

Land Raider


Predator destructor AC, hvy bolter sponsons and storm bolter


2000 points ... :/


the idea is to deploy the land raider and predator only and have them soften up anything that poses a threat to the raven. Also letting everything get closer ( hopefully ) so I can deliver the knockout punch as I like to call it >_>. Dante's squad should be able to pop in and eliminate armor. Anyway, thoughts/opinions?

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