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chaos warrior to space wolf conversion tutorial?


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Trying to use a box of Chaos Warriors to convert to Space Wolves. Would like to use the upper torso to include the thigh armor. Except I can't seem to get it right. Already ruined a couple models already trying to make it work. Problem is trying to get the marine legs to fit in between the thigh armor and the cape on the back.


I saw an article on space-wolves-grey blogspot, but it only uses the upper torso with the thigh armor removed.


Here is a picture of one of the models on the blogspot that I am trying to build.


Anyone performed this conversion before or has a tutorial I can use?



You can:


• Cut the bum off the Marine legs, which allows it to fit better.


• Or you can heat gun the cape *using your fingers as a thermostat so you do destroy the plastic* and force the legs in, which will push the warm cap back.


• You can also trim the thigh armour off, then stick it back on when you have the legs in place.


I think the first one is easiest.


Is this what you were wanting?

It appears that the thigh armor was removed and then replaced afte the torso and legs were joined. I would just say to use a sharp knife and a slow, deliberate hand. Exercising a lot of patience would be helpful as well. Not sure what the torso woud look like as I've not ever used one, yet, it couldn't be THAT hard. However I should say that I've been bodging plastic models for longer than many on this board have been alive.

Thanks for the reply Wilhelm and Growler.


I tried thinning down the backside of the thigh armor with a dremel tool and trimming down the legs but it's still a very tight fit. The main problem is that I have to trim down the back of the hip area on the marine legs to join it up with the cape. A lot of gaps, doesn't fit right, its a mess.


I haven't tried cutting off the thigh armor and reattaching it. From the pic, it looks like the thigh armor is still attached. Maybe that is the easiest way to make it work. I'll have to try this when I can get back to the hobby table.

Perhaps shaving or filing down of the legs is the better route. They are going to be covered by the thigh armor and cloak so it doesn't much matter if you remove too much accidentally. You can fill it in with GS later or just conceal/cover it up with what comes attached to the torso.
...........or you can just go to the source itself, save yourself the hassle and time and message Adam on the Space Wolves Blog for Jarred's e-mail. His user name is Darkseer on here at the Fang. It will save you all the time and trouble, maybe even save up some of your bits and models.
Thanks for the reply Wilhelm and Growler.


I tried thinning down the backside of the thigh armor with a dremel tool and trimming down the legs but it's still a very tight fit. The main problem is that I have to trim down the back of the hip area on the marine legs to join it up with the cape. A lot of gaps, doesn't fit right, its a mess.


I haven't tried cutting off the thigh armor and reattaching it. From the pic, it looks like the thigh armor is still attached. Maybe that is the easiest way to make it work. I'll have to try this when I can get back to the hobby table.


I just used a pair of side-cutters [like the plastic cutters from GW but for tradesmen ~ THIS].

Get the right angle so it doesn't just squeeze out as you squeeze the handle and *snick* flat bottomed Marine legs.

You can use a hobby knife as an alternative. But a sharp and robust one, not some flimsy thing. Put the legs in the air and the 'dome' onto your bench, cutting down from the bottom of the bottom, to the 'dome'

You can then use a flat file to neaten it up, if you feel the need.

I don't think a dremel is the right tool for the job.


The cut bottom should then fit nicely against the cap and if you use plastic glue [i love THIS] then any gaps get melted into insignificance.

In fact You can leave them as they are and they still look badass.




Or go the difficult way <_<





Funny this came up, I am currently converting a GH pack using that exact sprue.


I'll get some WIP up tonight with some notes on how I did mine...



Cool, can't wait for the pics.


@Cain, nice work man. Now for even more difficulty, try keeping the thigh armor. It is a tight fit between thigh armor and cap. Nice looking minis :)

or you check out the doghouse marine build :cuss


You refering to this one:


yup, that's the one, it's quite famous actually


The old adage applies very much to green stuff ~ "Less is more" or, "None is more" in my opinion. It is a nuisance of a material, and one I only like to use for for and for special miniatures. *shakes fist* :ph34r:


That is why using Term legs, arms and chest is so good for Truescale ~ because you don't have to stuff around using GS, except for blending the Marine back into the Term chest. I can't remember if I did it because I saw Doghouse's one, or came to that build myself.


Darkseer's version woks well and you stay away from my nemesis in the process :ph34r:


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