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Base sizes


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I need to know what rule set and page states that miniatures have to go with the supplied base (BRB IIRC) and if old miniatures (terminators for example) have to be rebased.


Please, no ranting or oppionion: I only need the rule set and page.



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aye it says they should be used on the base they are supplied with, this has led me to having 2 daemon princes with different sized bases, and I also have some of the older termies which are smaller and on smaller bases.
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I have a question actually that came up this past weekend. A friend of mine was saying he saw a few flying units at Adepticon not on bases just sitting on the ground. Is this legal or do vehicles that come with bases need to be on the bases? I assume yes, but wasnt 100% sure since he said he saw a lot of IG vendettas sitting on the ground not on bases.
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Skimmers all come with flying bases and they must be on said bases throughout the game. The ONLY times they are allowed off them is when they are immobilized, crashed, or Tau with landing gear. This is in the Skimmers section of the BRB.
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True, but most likely at A-con he was looking at regular games where there are no Flyers. Plus, he could've been using "flying unit" as a catch-all for anything not firmly grounded.
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I should of been more specific I apologize. I believe they were Vandetta's. The question came up because he was playing his DE against my GK and wanted to field Razorwing. Obviously there is no model for this so he was going to use a Tau Hammerhead just to proxy. The Hammerhead he has, does not have a base and just sits on the ground. I said that he should use a Vandetta model (which he has and is on a nice flying base) to better represent the model. Thanks guys. :lol:
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I have a question actually that came up this past weekend. A friend of mine was saying he saw a few flying units at Adepticon not on bases just sitting on the ground. Is this legal or do vehicles that come with bases need to be on the bases? I assume yes, but wasnt 100% sure since he said he saw a lot of IG vendettas sitting on the ground not on bases.


Not that this would have applied to Adepticon, but the Throne of Skulls FAQ has a bit about handling valks/stormravens/etc. So you may be seeing a lot more of skimmers resting on the table in the future.

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