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Storm Raven Question


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This may seem like an odd question, but its a pretty easy one. Are Storm ravens only available for peope using the blood angels codex? Can it be taken in a regular space marine force? I ask because A) I personally don't know and B ) a friend is getting into 40k, collecting regular marines and he really likes the idea of the storm raven.
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Officially it's only for Grey Knights and Blood angels and its successors. If you use it in a friendly game with regular marines that's up to you. Otherwise you could always run a "count as" marine force using the BA codex.
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If your friend likes space marines and wants a stormraven he may as well start a blood angel army as we have the best vehicles, the coolest units and we're RED!!! Which is the colour of blood, war and explosions and it's a colour that is true and speaks volumes of passion and dedication. BLOOD ANGELS ARE THE WAY FORWARD, WE ARE THE TRUE GUARDIANS OF THE IMPERIUM AND WE EAT BLOOD THIRSTERS LIKE 'KA BANDHA' FOR BREAKFAST!!!!
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yup- blood angels and grey knights only. At the moment. Chance of it being added in some way to the next codex space marines book, better than average chance i guess, but thats probably still a couple of years away. He could easily just collect models that can be used in either codex and make a fairly good army with that till the next edition and new lists come out...
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