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Sanguinius Templarius dread and whirlwind

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Since I just recently started as a S.M. player with my own chapter every model is a new experience and at the same time a challenge because I have to decide where which colour would look best...

This is my first Dreadnought and Whirlwind and at the same time my first crack at battle damage and weathering.

Please feel free to leave any comment or C.C. so I can know what you guys think.

First my Venerable Dreadnought 'Brother Fennion':



Next is my Whirlwind 'Mors ab Alto' wich means death from above in latin, this is my first ever effort at trying to make the S.M. vehicles look old:



P.s. I know the white looks a bit overpowering but I have painted light coloured Tau units for 4 years and I have a weak side for the gleaming white on any armoured vehicle <_<

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Thanks for the positive feedback :P

I have some finished marines and a captain that you can check out

I also have some termies but they are black to indicate a very special place in the chapter similar to the deathwing...

Here are my marines so far:



And my pride and joy, the Captain:



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Very nice and clean looking army there, but that is also the problem it’s to “clean” as in flat colors. Try adding a couple highlights or some washes in order to tickle out a little more details or depth. Also I can see right of the bat that you used Foundation Paints straight from the pot, perhaps try thinning them down at least a little bit, your paint is way too thick.


Sweet models though! I like!



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The color scheme translates well to your marines. That tactical squad is really cool looking.


FatMan is right, though. Some washes or highlights would really make the colors pop. In your own defense, though, red and white are the two hardest colors to work with in my opinion. For what you've done, they came out really really well. I like them a lot!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have tried some different washes and highlights and I found that the washes either made the model too shiny or too dark so I went with some blood red highlights and I actually think that it made the models look much better.

I know it isn't perfect yet but as I said this is my first S.M. army...


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Getting there, that one highlight already makes such a big difference, awesome stuff.


But a good wash shouldn’t make your model shiny, that’s “the job” of inks, don’t confuse the two otherwise that could lead to some nasty surprises. A wash that is painted into the recesses say a dash of Devlan Mud or Baal Red should do the trick. You might consider washing the metal with a bit of Badab Black! But that is just what I would do! These are your dudes and if you don’t like the look of washes, then don’t use them!


Good looking stuff, waiting for more!



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Looking great, the highlights help a lot. However, you shouldn't give up on washes. Applying devlan mud in the recesses and panel lines of the red armor will make the models look great. Try it out. And for sure, give the gold a heavy wash of gryphonne sepia or devlan mud. Washes are magical when it comes to metallics.
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I have been playing around with the washes like you guys said, and I have made some good results.

The metal is washed with Badab Black and the armour with Devlan Mud, it actually came out better after some practice pieces to get the wash technique right so now i am real happy with the results.

thanks alot for the help :)

The model on the left is not washed and the model on the right is washed:


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