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Storm Raven + Terminators question


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A question came up on a thread for an army list I'd posted last week and I never got a reponse to it there, so I thought I would repost it here in the main forums.


Basically in the Storm Raven description under transport options it say's the SR can carry two seperate squads: one unit of up to 12 models and a single dreadnought. The only transport limitation it gives is that jump packs take up two normal transport slots, no mention of terminator armor taking up 2 slots.

Am I safe in placing 5 CC Terminators w/ a TDA libby and TDA priest in the SR since they are only one squad and don't fill the 12 models limit? Or does terminator armor take up 2 spots in the SR as it does in the LR (oddly I can''t seem to find where this is stated in our codex either)? I looked through the FAQ thread and wasn't able to find where this issue has come up or not.



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I have been thinking about the same thing, I think that TDA would take up two slots just like the jp's do! I haven't found anything to back this up but I think you can fit 6 terminators in a SR.
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Ah there it is, I knew it was somewhere in the book! It never occured to me to look in the wargear entry, thanks Cpt. Blood.


Now which IC would be a bigger benefit to the squad the TDA Libby or TDA priest? I like the idea of rerolling to hit with all those TH, but a 2+/5++ and FnP and FC has a nice ring to it as well. I'm leaning towards the Priest, but I'm really jonesing to make a TDA libby from the new GK kit. (who am I kidding I'll make one anyways! :))

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Why not take both in power armour??

Excellent point and will likely be what I end up doing, I've just been enamoured with the idea of a TDA Librarian now that I can make one with plastic components. I'll still build one for fun, but it likely won't get played often.

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Why not take both in power armour?? :)


Because both are Independent Characters and can be targetted separately in CC by the enemy, and since they aren't in Termie armour they will be much less survivable after the intial charge.


I take 5 Assault Termies with a Termie Priest in my SR. If I take an Libby I usually put him with an Assault Squad to boost them with Unleash Rage.

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I'd go with the TDA lib (with a storm shield) sword + rage.... Really it works wonders no matter what you assault... priest isn't a bad choice either though (cheaper aswell^_^)
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