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Soul Grinder "Hull"


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Soul Grinders.. No base.. Where is the hull?



I fired at his Soul Grinder with a meltagun who was easily within 12 inches of the body and the legs of the model were within six inches for the extra D6 armor pen. Of course because this model is NOT based and has legs that can basically be positioned outright to give it a GIANT footprint. Do the legs actually count as "decorative" or do they count as the actual walker itself and thus allowing the extra D6.



Later in the game I had two rhino chassy tanks that were sitting next to one another in sort of an L shape in order to increase my footprint and reduce the amount of area that he could deepstrike from. Also attempting to reduce chance of side armor when shooting.. He then attempted to assault the tank on the _ part of the L with the soulgrinder. He Turned the soulgrinder sideways and basically crab walked it to the tank in order to get the distance and avoid the other tank being in the way of him charging the other tank. When he arrived at the tank he then turned the walker again allowing him to be in close combat with both tanks..


I really feel like this is a shaddy move and I am wondering if there are rules to support or null his actions? If such rules exist could I please get a page number and small rule description?

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Well I'm going to be useless and not provide you with the actual number/quote, but...


In the first page or so of the Vehicles section, it describes how to measure to and from vehicles. It says some walkers have bases, some don't. In the case of those that don't (Soul Grinders, Defilers) you measure to and from the legs, as they count as part of the "hull."


I can't really answer the second question without more accurate information...needless to say though, unless the Defiler was equidistant from both rhinos it cannot assault two different units as it must always take the shortest route possible.

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BRB pg.72 Measuring Ranges "...does not have a base (like the Chaos Defiler) measure to and from the hull (including legs and other limbs)...."


A single model can declare an assault against a single unit and cannot come into BtB contact with another enemy unit it is not assaulting.

The declared unit is the only one it can assault.

Under Assaulting Multiple Enemy Units (BRB Pg.34) after the first model has assaulted the declared unit "Then remaining models can assault models belonging to other enemy units."

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BRB pg.72 Measuring Ranges "...does not have a base (like the Chaos Defiler) measure to and from the hull (including legs and other limbs)...."


A single model can declare an assault against a single unit and cannot come into BtB contact with another enemy unit it is not assaulting.

The declared unit is the only one it can assault.

Under Assaulting Multiple Enemy Units (BRB Pg.34) after the first model has assaulted the declared unit "Then remaining models can assault models belonging to other enemy units."


You sir... Kick ass.

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