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Tactics question vs. walkers


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Ok, here's the problem- My friend and I have been running 1000pt lists for a while, and he has built an Ork list that has gone 4-0 against everyone he's played. I've lost to him twice, once running Mephiston, second time running drop pod Furioso and Land Speeder Typhoons.


Here's what he runs-


Deff Dread, 4 CC weapons

2 squadrons of 3 Kanz, rockets and CC on each

Battlewagon, Dethrolla. Inside are a Big Mek with KFF, 18 slugga (3 CC attack) orks and a Nob with Power Claw

Squad of 24 or so Shoota boyz with a Nob who carries a Claw.


What keeps happening is I fail to break the armor he runs with his 4+ KFF save before it gets into me, and I get just stomped by the walkers when they get into assault with my infantry. We have only played one objective game and he just basically sat on one with his shootas and used the Deff Dread as a counter-assault. The rest went directly after me and took out all my troops, including the ones I sent after his boyz in the open.


So what kind of things would you take to break this list?


Please keep in mind that I don't have any tank models to run for the next few games at least.

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I've got at my disposal various priests, librarians, and can proxy any of the characters if its worth trying for a game. I also have a couple dreadnoughts, including Furioso with swappable weapons, drop pods, and 3 land speeders with typhoon launchers. About the only thing I don't have on my shelf are any Rhino chassis models and a land raider. But again, if it makes a big difference, then I can grab a buddy's GK land raider(s) to try out for a game.


And I tried the dual Blood Fist Furioso vs. squadron of Kanz. I missed one attack, hit 3, had 3 pens, and inflicted 2 shaken and a weapon destroyed. His remaining 2 attacks at S10 removed a fist and exploded my Furioso. Not likely every time, but it happens a lot. That plus the Furioso gets beat by his Deff Dread if I'm not range of FC when I charge it, his has more attacks at same I. Double-killed it once with Mephiston, and once with a Frag Cannon Furioso, but then the remaining 6 Kanz eat my infantry alive.

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A Kustom Force Field gives...all vehicles within 6" are treated as being obscured objects. The force field has no effect in combat.


My advice would be to shoot the dread to pieces. Might seem like a waste of ammo, but it's bound to fail that save eventually. If it's causeing you that many problems it has to be dealt with.


Get stuck in with the kans. Careful charges with power fists should keep at least one of them out of combat. They're only hitting your Characters on 5's, so Iron halo/power fist is a good option.


After that it's just the usual vs 'shooty' boyz.

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The thing about Kans is that the armor really isn't that strong, and the KFF gives the same benefit regardless of S. You need a good number of high strength shots, melta is often overkill. S8 from the typhoons is nice. Rifleman dread could be very nice. TLLC/ML dread not bad either. Make sure you have fists on all your sarges so you don't get locked and unable to hit back.
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that seems more bad luck than anything. if i ran a blood fist into one of those units id near expect it to take out a dread with its shooting and then severly damage them when it attacked them in cc. maby a death company one would work better for you? actuallly maby death co would work. str 9 thunder hammers/fists that reroll to hit(wont reroll to wound as you dont wound dreads sadly) auta hurt. meph should do well if he gets his str 10 power off succesfullyand maby even unlease rage... but you said you failed with that before bt that could also just be luck. how about baal preds? 4 tl str 6 rending shots could be tasty against dreads... also vindicators... actually most of the tanks you dont have could help. failing that a pure gunline army could work wonders... casue dreads having to walk all the way to you will take them time... also finish off one enemy before you start into the next. concentrait your forces. a dread with no weapons can still hold an incorrectly armed squad in cc indefinately...
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WS2 to WS4-6 actually lands on a 4+ in CC, kind of sucks. You have to get up to WS7 before it becomes harder for them to hurt you.


I've tried throwing infantry like that at the Kanz, and it tends to take out 1-2 Kanz at best before I lose all my marines to either the kan attack or to some other Ork coming in to throw down extra attacks.


My problem partly comes from him hugging that KFF with everything. I can't get just the kans in combat, or just the dread or just the boyz. If I could, I wouldn't have these problems.

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What about a gunline build? Take maybe 1 Librarian, 2 tacticals with meltaguns and what, missile launchers? Then throw down Rifleman dreads, I have 2 I could use for about 250pts, and then speeders at 90 each to fill up points?


Thats an interesting idea at the very least...


What about the Battlewagon then? I'll still have a hell of a time breaking his AV14 front armor, but if I can take out his kans and deff dread, I could attrition down the remaining boyz and wagon. Unless there's some combo of things in the codex that might be useful against both?

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I think you should just ignore the wagon. It seems like he's using it as a means of distraction.

If you can shoot/punch his Dread and his Kans.

Then his army is really just 2 units of shoota boyz. If he's not willing to commit the unit in the wagon to combat, it's only killing 2 marines a turn (on average).

Stand back, focus all of your shooting on the Armour, then take down the boyz that are sans-wagon.

You've got this.

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