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Painting! So the journey begins...


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Hello brothers (and sisters if there are other sisters out there B))!


My long journey of starting 40k and going BA and getting help has still just begun! I am going to be painting soon...I'm not very artistic U___U but I have lots of fun doodling and painting. Sooo to get start I have a question and hopefully I can get an example before I go buy crap tons of primer and paints!


How does blood red or mechrite red look on black primer? I'm wanting a darker not so super bright red for my models...what would be the best one to use and build up from? Can anyone who has a primered black model with a basecoat of any red on it please post a picture? I want to see how dark it comes out...Or if I should use white...so many people use white but the models come out too bright for my taste :|


(Didn't want to post in a general painting section. Here at least people who play and paint BA can help. Sorry if this is wrong >___<)


Also...any tips or ideas on how to blend with an airbrush? What about without? I saw some models people said they blended on and it looks real nice!




Edit: I'm excited to start showing my models to you guys! :P

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I'm at work at the moment so I can't post any pics. I just recently decided to convert my codex marines over to BA, and based on some advice from a very experienced BA player I went with black primer, mechrite red basecoat, badab black wash, blood red, then blazing orange highlighting. I like the shade of red and depth of detail I have been getting with the results of this process.
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straight blood red looks very dark, too dark in my opinion and needs many coats to get it right. mercharite red is kinda pastellly. if you want dark though id say(after slightly watering your paints) chaos black undercoat, mercherite red basecoat, then a coat of blood red, then a wash of a suitable colour. that will get you somewhere near to what i have in my banner coulours, actually mines lighter and shinyier than that as i also use red ink which gw no longer does (though i stocked up :) )and then wash. you could also try instead using red gore instead of blood red as its a bit darker and nicer looking. (all in my opinion) if you like dark probably look into flesh tearers colours too. also are you sure you want to do ba if you prefer dark? maby one of the succesors might be better or even your own succesor? just a thought...
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@BrotherNathan: Trying to lead me away from BA hmmmmmmmmm??? >____>


I like red. And I like Furiosos. :lol: So...BA forever! I'm going to do the half black half red chapter. I'll look into trying red gore colors.

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you can still have all hat and play using the ba codex using a successor... ask my storm angels, or all the other succesors on this forum. may as welll have an army you like the look of as well as the feel. i couldnt do pure ba as i thought they were too... bright... :lol: also means i really dont care too much about the fluff screw ups in the dex as i dont play ba :lol:
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Mechrite red is an awesome color but my only complaint is that it is a little too maroonish for my taste and isn't really a clean red. What I would do for you is prime black base coat in mechrite red and then paint the whole model red gore or scab red (whichever is lighter) then highlight blood red and wash it in delvan mud that will be what you are looking for I think. Try it out
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I use mechanrite as a base so that I can get a good flat coat of red without many layers. My proceedure was actually taught to me by one of the 'Eavy Metal team and I can certainly vouch for its results. You can miss out a few of the stages but the most important bit is the Baal Red wash at the end. Remember to keep your paints nice and thin, as with this many stages you risk clogging the detail.


1. Prime your mini black

2. Paint or spray the armour (or in my case half the armour as I play Angels Sanguine) mechanrite red

3. Shade the model by painting a mix of fairly watered down scab red and chaos black all over. .

4. Repaint with scab red, leaving the shading in the recesses

5. Add the first highlight stage with a mix of scab red and blood red

6. Highlight again with pure blood red

7. Add an edge highlight using a mix of blood red and blazing orange

8. Add skull white to your last mix and do an extreme highlight to only the very tips of the raised areas.

at this stage your model will look slightly pinkish, don't worry as this is normal

9. Give the whole armour a heavy wash of Baal Red. Leave this to dry and then, if you want an even stronger red, give it a second coat.

10. Once you've painted the rest of the model give it a spray of matt varnish.


Best of luck with your army. A red colour scheme is always rewarding once you get it on the table top, just ask my Warriors and Daemons of Khorne, my Perry Napoleonic British and my Praetorian Imperial Guard!

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1. Start with a black primer

2. Scorched Brown base coat

3. Coat with Mechrite Red

4. Dry brush Blood Red

5. Wash Baal Red

6. Detail and touch up as needed


This is the formula that I've been using since I started again in September, and it's really shaped up to become a good method for me.

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Brother Nathan is absolutly right. You should paint your army how you want. If the BA are to bright and the Flesh Tearers are to dark, then create your own chapter who's colors are imbetween. My successor chapter is called the Lightning Warriors, and they have Sunburst yellow armour with Chardon Granite highlights to tone down the brightness without taking the yellow out of yellow. You can do your BA successor however you want.


If it is good enough for you, it's good enough for me. Good luck with whatever scheme you decide to paint.

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Brother Nathan is absolutly right. You should paint your army how you want. If the BA are to bright and the Flesh Tearers are to dark, then create your own chapter who's colors are imbetween. My successor chapter is called the Lightning Warriors, and they have Sunburst yellow armour with Chardon Granite highlights to tone down the brightness without taking the yellow out of yellow. You can do your BA successor however you want.


If it is good enough for you, it's good enough for me. Good luck with whatever scheme you decide to paint.


Hmm...sooo...how do I make my own chapter o___o;?

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I'm also a pretty new player, and I've spent a fair amount time lurking in the awesome posts that my brother BA players have provided. Thanks all for your inspiration btw :P


I also didn't want shiny shiny red angels. Back in 3rd Ed when I initially got interested, the method taught was base coat skull white and a couple of layers of blood red. This had a chalky finish and was waaaaay to bright for me.


My local GW guys have helped me a lot, and gave me this method for a finish that matches a level of grit I was looking for. I'll post a pic if I can when I get home from work.


1. Sprayed primer coat of Chaos Black

2. Basecoat of Mecharite red, thinned down just a bit, so may require a second touch.

3. Devlan Mud wash the whole model

4. Using a technique called paneling (basically neatly painting armour but leaving the recesses alone to preserve the shadows of the wash) add a layer of 50:50 mecharite red / blood red (I've even started making my own pots of it!)

5. Panel a layer of straight blood red

6. Highlight raised edges in Solar Mecharius Orange

8. Wash down in Baal Red and the armour is done.


It's a little time consuming to have so many layers perhaps, but I like the results. The key thing I keep finding is to ensure that the paint isn't too think, which I am slowly getting the hang of.


Hopefully I can take a good pic of a finished model for you that doens't look entirely hopeless :)


Good luck!

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Sorry for the delay, just got home.


This was the best pic I could get, with a phone, because my camera is sucky for the close in work, so sorry for the quality.


These are a couple of WIP's that I have at the moment. So ignore the bad brush lines, clumpy paint, terrible highlighting and general unfinished nature (Still a noob :lol: ).



The red is a bit more cherry red in the picture than in real life, it isn't quite that vibrant.


Paneling is really simple. You can see the left models shoulder pad the small square is clearly visible. Paneling is basically painting around these areas, leaving the dark wash to bring out the details in the model.


Hope this has been of some help.

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First thing I'll say is that painting well is hard, at least for most people. It's easier for some than others, but it's like almost any skill in that you get better with practice and if you want to be very good, it takes a lot of practice. Don't be discouraged if your first models are goofy and gloppy. Mine sure were.


Second, try lots of things when you paint. Don't just do it one way and be satisfied. If you're looking for the perfect red, then paint 10 test models, all with different combinations, take notes and see which you like best. It's really frustrating to get 30 models into an army and realize you're not crazy about it. Feel free to change it up. I learned a lot about painting by painting orks. They're all different so you can try a new technique on every model. A lot of that I've ended up using on marines later. Not saying you should paint orks, but avoid ruts, stretch yourself and experiment.


Now, if you're interested, my red recipe:

Prime White

Basecoat Mechrite Red

2 Coats Red Gore to get even tone

Lowlight Scab Red

Shade Badab Black

Highlight Blood Red

Extreme highlight Blazing Orange

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The way I do mine is...


Chaos black spray

4 thinned layers of mechrite red

Devlan mud into the details in the armour

1 or 2 thinned layers of blood red leaving the devlan mud

Highlight with blazing orange

Fine highlight with scorched brown


I find that building up layers of thinned down mechrite allows for a really nice build up of colour, never just apply citidel paint right from the pot to big areas such as armour as it will almost always be too thick and you will not get a nice smooth finish the way you would by layering with watered down layers (all I do is get some paint on my brush then dip it into water, this works perfectly for me) I've been painting citadel minatures since I was 10 (I'm 29 now) and I ignored advice on watered down layers for a very long time (as I was a stubborn child and my way was best, lol) but when I did come round to it the results were so much better, you really do need to to thin your layers if you want a nice smooth coat!

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- Start with a black undercoat and a Mechrite Red basecoat.

- Blood red is applied except in the recesses of the armor - make sure that when this dries it is in an even coat, dont worry if some of the darker red pokes through.

- a wash all over the armor of Devlan Mud, not just in the cracks, to dull it.

- highlights are pure blazing orange and a final highlight of pure vomit brown.

- Baal Red wash over the whole model to tone everything down.



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Brother Nathan is absolutly right. You should paint your army how you want. If the BA are to bright and the Flesh Tearers are to dark, then create your own chapter who's colors are imbetween. My successor chapter is called the Lightning Warriors, and they have Sunburst yellow armour with Chardon Granite highlights to tone down the brightness without taking the yellow out of yellow. You can do your BA successor however you want.


If it is good enough for you, it's good enough for me. Good luck with whatever scheme you decide to paint.


Hmm...sooo...how do I make my own chapter o___o;?


Choose colors you like, give them a name you like. Congratz you have made your own chapter. If you like, you can go deeper and make a back story or a story explaining your new chapter but really this isn't needed.

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creating your own chapter, welll thats a good topic. and has as much room basically as you want. you can do as much or as little as you want. though of course the more effort you put in the more youll get out. and you can start at any number of places. firstly well assume you want to be a blood angel succesor. so probably you want to have blood iconagraphy of some form. then in al likelyhood youll want it majoritively red. look at the official succesors in the book for ideas...id recommend loking at the fluff that you can and reading articles in the diy section of this board. just for inspiration. dont have to do anything you dont want to.

then when you have some rough idea of what you want go to the sm painter, located on this forum just below the curent 'THe grey knights of titan' banner. itll allow you to play round with colours til you get bored. i have several chapters i wanna make from playing with it(such as a imperial fist succesor in white with red crosses on their shoulder pads, guess why;))if you come up with a scheme then post it here and well give ideas on how to achieve it. also note you dont have to be red. look at the lamentors if you dont believe me...

also you can decide how codex adherant you want to be. the majority of marines that are loyal use the codex astartes fluff build. but not all, see space wolves and black templars for instance. also names. names is a big one or some of us. ill admit it took me years to come up with a name for my chapter that i likes and was able to make stick. it also give me some things that i could add to iconagraphy. ie the storm angels, so i can have lightening and storm and so on. my chaplins talk as if the chapters war is a comming storm that will remove all before them in a wave of blood. and yet i still get all the cool blood things from the blood angels. if you find you like this ides theres also a chapter name generator also under the grey knights banner, which is worth playing with even just for a laugh.

then if you want you can play with character names and fluff stories and so on far easier than you can with official chapters. like i love astros rules but hate his fluff and paint scheme(not many do...)so mines painted Gold and counts as my current chapter master. my dante is actually the leader of my armys sanguary guard and didnt ally with necrons... they hold strongly to sanguinius's beliefs and are constantly out fighting for the iperium though not in th same self destructing way as the likes of the flesh tearers but in a way that they hope would make the primarch proud. you see theres so much more you can do when you make your own chapter. saying that many of the existing chapters are very cool and do give you a fair bit of leeway but when im doing my models i like to have a stamp on them that makes them mine. actually the only army that i have been working on that follows a properly established scheme is my iron warriors which are traitors and are allowed to do prettymuch what they want so im still allowed to do as i want most of the time...


At the end of the day, your minis, your money, your paint etc, do as you want. so id recommend looking into it if it does peek your interest at all. specially if the bright red of blood angels puts you off a bit... :lol: (ive nothing aginst ba, they are the coolest first founding chapter without a dought)

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Brother Nathan has basiclly said it all, SM Painter, Name Generator, your own fluff. A good place for creating fluff that I found is in the Deathwatch: Rites of Battle book. It has lots of cool ideas, and random generation of fluff if you want. But once again it is all up to you and your tastes.
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I usually go with black primer or at least a black undercoat spray, Then either spray with Vallejo Fire Red from the air brush or just use Vallejo Gory Red then wash with Bloody Red. I prefer my BAs to have a lot of contrast so I will wash a lot of black to exagerate the shadows.


Here's a dude I primed in black.



This weekend I started playing around with a white primer and the look is much brighter. This guy is primed white and just a base of gory Red and a heavy full wash of black. He's only based coated but you can see the color you can expect from priming with white.



If you are just starting out you might want to check out Awesome Painjob He has a lot of basic videos to start you off. And I'm pretty sure he has a how to for BA's ..

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luckily gw now produces washes. when i started they didnt so i had to make my own...which means my models mostly all look different shades of red as a result. my only problem is i go through quite a bit of it, especially now i use it on my orks and chaos too... its great stuff. makes it muh easier to pick p the brush when you know you can improve a model so much with a wash.
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