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Painting! So the journey begins...


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@Sincain: OMG! That's soooo awesome! So thats all that is? Black Primer, Vallejo Red and Wash? How did you make a wash? That top model is only washed with black? Thats it?


Pretty much, here's what I do typically


Prime Black

Base with a Dark Red ( like Gory Red in the Vallejo line or Scab Red/Red Gore in the GW Line

Next you want to add the brighter red. Thin the red you want to use ( Bloody Red in Vallejo or Blood Red in GW, play with the consistancy so it's close to milk. Too thick it will just cover and too thin it will pool or run ). Start applying layers so more paint is applied on the highlighted areas. Start wide and work your way in to the highlight. GW makes Baal Red Wash but I only use that sparingly, I'm not a fan of the color or finish it gives me.

Then Apply Black Wash ( Vallejo makes some, GW has Debab Black or you can make your own really ) Start in the darkest areas and work out, the wash should pool in the recesses.

Apply any highlights you want. Some people use Orange some use a mixed Red. I prefer a mixed 1:1 Red and White. You can just paint the extreme highlights if you choose. I don't do too much of the X highlights as I use a lot of black as a contrast and let the reds do the rest only highlighting the most X areas.


You can prime with white if you choose, just base coat with the dark red and then go over the whole model with a black wash. Then begin the process. Really it's up to you. Once you get comfortable with a tech keep using that so your peeps look uniform. Best to do a test mini to work out a tech and how you want the dudes to look.


Hope that was helpful..

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Very helpful! THANKS!


For the Black Wash do you put it all over the models like I see most people do? or do you just dab it right into the recesses of certain parts?

Also, if you thin Bloody Red in Vallejo to "milk" wouldn't that be pretty much making it a wash...so it will pool in certain areas??

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Very helpful! THANKS!


For the Black Wash do you put it all over the models like I see most people do? or do you just dab it right into the recesses of certain parts?

Also, if you thin Bloody Red in Vallejo to "milk" wouldn't that be pretty much making it a wash...so it will pool in certain areas??


I only go over the whole model with a wash if I prime white to darken up the whole model and pool up in the recesses so when you apply the red glazes over it and the shading stays. That first red coat over white is BRIGHT haha .. need that black wash to make it bareable to even look at :(


It's close .. I use it as a glaze. Which is very close to a wash but thicker. With the glaze you just want to apply layers to build up the color. Washes are closer to water ... at least for me. I use inks typically and thin them to make my washes. Although GWs Bedab is acutally pretty good.

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Thanks everyone for the posts and helpful advice! I'm sorry if i didn't reply back. I just re-read the thread and there were a lot of replys I didn't see when I was browsing on my phone... weird :)


I didn't miss it though and I read everyones posts! Thank you all for the pictures as well and techniques. I'll start a thread soon maybe next week? When I start my first model...hopefully it comes out ok but I'm not putting much hope that it will. LOL >___>

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