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Army/list design tips for a new blood angel?


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So after resisting for some time I finally gave into the power armor itch, and the new Blood Angels stuff really cathes my interest. I already picked up a battleforce and one Sabguinary Guard box, but am wondering what I should get next. I don't have a ton of money (and I have other armies too!) so I want to acquire units in a planned fashion, with some kind of theme or list in mind.


That said, can anyone suggest army builds for a BA ( but not 40k) newbie? Any suggestions happily welcome!



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Assault Marines are a good start considering they're your staple troop choice besides tacticals. Two sanguinary priests and a librarian are great for supporting your army, especially for supporting your assault marines. I'm new to Blood Angels as well so more experienced players can get you into the nitty gritty.


I recommend checking out the Blood Angels Army Lists forum for some ideas. Good hunting!

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depends compleately on what you want. mechanised, desent of angels/jumppackers, sanguard, black tide(death co) dread fever, blood rodeao(bikes and jummpers)raven rush ,mixed, fluffy, batttle company, fisrt co, scout, character spam... and probably a number of other styles your not really limited with our dex.
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depends compleately on what you want. mechanised, desent of angels/jumppackers, sanguard, black tide(death co) dread fever, blood rodeao(bikes and jummpers)raven rush ,mixed, fluffy, batttle company, fisrt co, scout, character spam... and probably a number of other styles your not really limited with our dex.


I think at this point I am not sure about a more foot/jump pack based force (Descent of Angels or Black Tide) or a mechanized force (bunch of Vindicators/Predators, Razorbacks, and Rhinos) I'm not in love with the Stormraven model, and have considered proxying/converting a Valkyrie for one, but is it worth it to have only a single one? I'm looking at no more than a 1500 point list at this point, and wondering primarily what to buy next.


I'll take a look at the list threads too. I'm leaning toward maybe getting a Vindicator and a command squad to beef up my heavy support and give me more goodies to convert sarges/characters etc. Maybe I should toss an assault squad in there too...

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