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Sang Priests painting


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Check page 66, Brother Corbulo, or here is how GW does it on their web page:


Sang Priest:






It's funny how the official model has no grail. Win G.W, pure win. I know there is some crap about the grail possibly being part of normal apotechary gear as well, but that is just not WYSIWYG.

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It's funny how the official model has no grail. Win G.W, pure win. I know there is some crap about the grail possibly being part of normal apotechary gear as well, but that is just not WYSIWYG.

The Blood Chalice is represented by the narcethium as each contains a shard of a chalice.

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Well, the standard GW Sanguinary Priest, despite being a new addition to the line, is modeled to fit third edition fluff and not the current fifth edition fluff. They have an Exsanguinator, which is what used to add the special rules and not a grail which is what is important now. I think it was a disconnect between the sculpters and Matt Ward, but what are you going to do? If you want the grail you either have to model it yourself or borrow it from Corbulo.
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I stick to the color scheme provided in Index Astartes Blood Angels. White armor, white left shoulder with red trim, red right shoulder with white trim, red chest eagle.


For Sanguinary Novitate I go with red armor and shoulder pads, with white helmet and white shoulder trims.

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It's funny how the official model has no grail. Win G.W, pure win. I know there is some crap about the grail possibly being part of normal apotechary gear as well, but that is just not WYSIWYG.

The Blood Chalice is represented by the narcethium as each contains a shard of a chalice.


Now, didn't I just say that?

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It's funny how the official model has no grail. Win G.W, pure win. I know there is some crap about the grail possibly being part of normal apotechary gear as well, but that is just not WYSIWYG.

The Blood Chalice is represented by the narcethium as each contains a shard of a chalice.


Now, didn't I just say that?

The chalices are relics of old, pre-heresy artifacts, most of them were already broken. Every Nathrecium (not sure about spelling) incorporates a piece of such chalices to carry their power. The blood chalice is not the same as the red grail in Corbulo's possession.

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I know, it's some crap M.W made up to make himself more happy, and Sangunius more like Jesus. Obviously the modelling department did not the get the memo. That been said, I am quite happy with this change. Apotechary models are expensive, making a cup out of greenstuff isn't. I even think this gives you the freedom of making your Sang. Priests any colour you like. Just looking at the bloke on the front cover, it seems like he's a priest. And he's red.
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My Sang Priests are red armor with white helm and white trim on the shoulder pauldron. Also, I model them with Space Hulk grails. No narthecium.


I've, in theory, got priets colored by wh they're with. My Sang Guard and honour guard have golden ones (like the one in the Codex), and the RAS has a red one with golden... parts.

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Well, the standard GW Sanguinary Priest, despite being a new addition to the line, is modeled to fit third edition fluff


This made me chuckle. The sanguinary priest GW offers for sale is the same one as was in the late 2nd ed or early 3rd ed metal Honour Guard set. I have one in my bitz box, just checked and the tab date is 1998.

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Well, the standard GW Sanguinary Priest, despite being a new addition to the line, is modeled to fit third edition fluff


This made me chuckle. The sanguinary priest GW offers for sale is the same one as was in the late 2nd ed or early 3rd ed metal Honour Guard set. I have one in my bitz box, just checked and the tab date is 1998.

Yep. Its a nice model, but its not new.

I personally run my priests with the normal Apothecary bits. Only my Corbulo carries a chalice/grail.


And I paint them red, with just a bit of white, generally on the shoulderpads.

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Well, the standard GW Sanguinary Priest, despite being a new addition to the line, is modeled to fit third edition fluff and not the current fifth edition fluff. They have an Exsanguinator, which is what used to add the special rules and not a grail which is what is important now. I think it was a disconnect between the sculpters and Matt Ward, but what are you going to do? If you want the grail you either have to model it yourself or borrow it from Corbulo.


That's because the model is a third edition model. It's the one from the old Blood Angels Honour Guard box with a different backpack. AFAIC, either an exsanguinator or a grail is perfectly good WYSIWYG-wise, although I prefer the exsanguinator as it seems more practical.

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I'm painting my priests in the standard Angels Sanguine scheme with half red and half black power armor, a half white and half black helm, and possibly white trim on the shoulder pads. Other then that I like the looks of the Narthecarium so all my priests save Corbulo carry one, plus whatever grail bits I can squeeze on them from the Sang Guard and DC sprues.
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I kept the armor white but kit bashed mine to have robes (more Priestly to me) and went red with them to keep the red strong on the model then added more gold to make him feel special. :D




Hope it helps.

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There is a chalice on a backpack in the DC box set.

Cut that off with a hobby knife.

It fits perfectly into a free left hand, one that is usually used to cradle a boltgun.

Cut that hand off with the hobby knife.

Fix the hand onto a Angelus Boltgun arm. It isn't hard to do that at all just glue it in instead of the fist.

Now glue the chalice you got from the DC box set backpack into the hand.

Attach arm to Sanguinary Priest.


You now have a Sanguinary Priest that holds the Chalice in the air and the Angelus Boltgun counts as a pistol.

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Well, the standard GW Sanguinary Priest, despite being a new addition to the line, is modeled to fit third edition fluff and not the current fifth edition fluff. They have an Exsanguinator, which is what used to add the special rules and not a grail which is what is important now. I think it was a disconnect between the sculpters and Matt Ward, but what are you going to do? If you want the grail you either have to model it yourself or borrow it from Corbulo.


That's because the model is a third edition model. It's the one from the old Blood Angels Honour Guard box with a different backpack. AFAIC, either an exsanguinator or a grail is perfectly good WYSIWYG-wise, although I prefer the exsanguinator as it seems more practical.


It doesn't like the one that came in my third edition honor guard box. I just got a standard third edition metal apothecary in my box.

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IIRC the apothecary came in the command squad box and the priest came in the HG box. Possibly it was a mispick, because I certainly got mine this way.


Edit - Just noticed that we started the same company at around the same time Tabgoi. Great minds are clearly at work. :(

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I kept the armor white but kit bashed mine to have robes (more Priestly to me) and went red with them to keep the red strong on the model then added more gold to make him feel special. :cuss




Hope it helps.


Fantastic model you have there, sir. Well done.

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IIRC the apothecary came in the command squad box and the priest came in the HG box. Possibly it was a mispick, because I certainly got mine this way.


Edit - Just noticed that we started the same company at around the same time Tabgoi. Great minds are clearly at work. :P


Yours very well may be great, I worry about my own sometimes... It is a cool coincidence though.


I actually have both the command squad and the HG boxes which is why I was originally quite disappointed with the minis being the same. It could have been an issue of them trying to get the box out the door and not having enough of the specialized ones, or maybe someone made a mistake in the packing. All the rest of the minis in my HG box were the right ones, just not that Priest.


And Sincain that is some great work. I agree it is more priestly. And I like the use of the robed figure with a chalice shoulder pad from the DC sprue on the San Priest. When I took my old one apart for repainting I put a new left arm on him with the same pad, I plan on using it on all of my San Priests who are in powered armor.

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Thanks for the Props.. Yeah I went with the Shoulder Pad, Chest with chalice and it's hard to see in that pic but I used the belt pack with gernade and the hanging chalice to add a little more on there. I just painted up the gernade to look like a vial from the standard Apoth belt. I figured why would they actually carry a cup into battle with them :( .. More likely to have the shard in a representation of the chalice.
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@SincaiN: I LOVE your robed Sanguinary Priest. I hope you don't mind if I be inspired by it and try to assemble my next priest in similar robes. :)


Here is my Sanguinary Priest. I kept it predominantly red with the boots, helmet and shoulders in white to be cohesive with my assault troops that sport black boots and shoulder pads. More images can be found here.



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