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As it says on the tin. If you didn't collect Blood Angels or their successors which other loyalist chapter would you choose and why?


For me, as I already collect Imperial Fists the question is already answered. Not only does their meticulous planning fit with my own military heroes such as Sir Arthur Welsley and Monty, but their devotion to mankind and the duty of care they feel makes them more relatable, almost as if they've kept more umanity than other chapters. Not only that, but Dorn and Sanguinius are two of the only Primarchs, along with Manus to make the last full measure of devotion. They didn't wander off in some quasi-mystic disappearing act like Russ, Corax or Vulkan, nor did they get lost somewhere like the Lion or the Khan.


That said, if I had to start from scratch I'd go for either Space Wolves as I love their imagry and Russ is the Primarch I'd most like to go for a drink with. That said, much greenstuff would be required tomake their hair look lesss silly. The Grey Knights are also beautiful models, but I can't stand their new fluff.

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I would have to say a Crimson Fist force myself for a couple reasons. One, I love Pedro Kantor, the model, the heraldry, and the stats. Second, I love that they share in the brotherhood we share. We are both dying chapter's but unlike us, they have the chance to rebuild hope, as opposed to us going out with a bang. Finally, I can't stay away from that Emepror-given color on their hand guards :P.


However, if the decision was fluff based alone, I would go Raven Guard or our "fallen" brothers of the Alpha Legion.

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I would probably go Raven Guard. They have always appealed to me as I love the whole "I am an 9 foot-tall killing machine who can pop up right behind you without you ever knowing" vibe. Plus, they are pretty similar to Blood Angels because they favor jump packs and "hit and run" based tactics. The fluff for Shrike is awesome and if you guys have read The First Heretic, then you guys definitely know that Corax is a supreme badass as well. Also, the color black is awesome.


You know what, I might just paint up some of my units as Raven Guard and just make up some fluff about a joint chapter operation. :P


Sun Reaver

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I have always had a tough choice between Raven Guard and Dark Angels for loyalist chapters.


Dark Angels I first started with back with the Angels of Death Codex which the cover art got me into 40k in the first place. As long as i've had Blood Angels i've always had afew green marines hiding away somewhere. Just like BA i like everything about DA except for there codex :P


Raven Guard for there use of infiltration /speed / guerrilla warfare and they make use of alot mark VI power armor and I do love Beaky helmets. Though what first got me was back in 3rd when they had the rules for Shrike's Wing, nothing beats the look of 9 Assault Marines + Shrike all with a pair of Lightning claws, even if they did cost 51 points each.


Though after reading Legion I would have to say Alpha Legion is a serious contender for favorite power armor wearing army even if they did turn their backs on the the emperor and sided with chaos, or did they.... :P

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Well, I myself pondered that question many times and never found a definite answer. But it would be either Imperial Fists, PERHAPS space wolves (I love their termies but that's about it), Raven Guard (I personally love the imagery of Raven.) or something alongside the lines of some pre-heresy thing, most probably Luna Wolves (though I HATE painting white...). Dunno , I never was able to decide...
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Either Iron Hands or Black Templars. Iron Hands have super-awesome bionics, and Black Templars because I love the book Helsreach and the caged fury of the knights appeals to me.


Maybe Mantis Warriors, Badab war and such..


Oh, and for Chaos either Iron Warriors or Emperor's Children.

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Tau :lol:


I already have Ultra Smurfs. In fact I built them prior to BA. And to be honest, I still like those old-school blue-red-yellow guys. And I really loved the description of Guilliman in The First Heretic.


As for other loyalist chapters, hmmm... Maybe Crimson Fists...or Dark Angels - I'm not a fan of DA fluff, but I like their knightly theme, green and white color and hooded robes.

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I have already done dark angels and this is my second blood angel army and I fratenised with daemon worship for years with my word bearer army so after I have a 4000 point or so BA army I'm going back to my roots with eldar if only just for the colour schemes, it was the elder colour schemes that got me playing 40k in the first place, swooping hawks, fire dragons, striking scorpions, all amazing and I love farseer's too!
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i would have to go for my own diy succesor of the imperial fists, the Ulster Fists... just to be different and awkward. thought essientially n all but scheme they are imperial fists. with a count as perdo with scoring sternguard. that would be a compleately different playstyle to my storm angels. and infact auta compliment it well. also would mean we get the whole our parent chapters bothe fought at terra and we learned a secret handshake from the emperor there and are more awsome than ultramarines so yeo sorta thing goiing on... B) yea id expect the army to get pushed off the table at that point but it would be worth it... :P
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Grey Knights.

And not just because the new codex came out. I always really liked the Inquisitors. I was thinking of Blood Angles or Demon Hunters.

I chose Blood Angels for my main army because well ... they're are Blood Angels. What other reason is there?


I'll be collecting a small GK force. I hear ten models can equal over 2000 points.


Also, Dark Angels. I was really close to choosing them but went with Blood Angels instead.

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Tau B)


I already have Ultra Smurfs. In fact I built them prior to BA. And to be honest, I still like those old-school blue-red-yellow guys. And I really loved the description of Guilliman in The First Heretic.


As for other loyalist chapters, hmmm... Maybe Crimson Fists...or Dark Angels - I'm not a fan of DA fluff, but I like their knightly theme, green and white color and hooded robes.


[Nitpick] Dark Angels are NOT knights. Dark Angels resemble ancient European warrior monks, where Templar's resemble knights.[/Nitpick]


I would likely play Spess Pups as I like their fluff just a bit more than Templars or Dark Angels, though all of the above are fine choices as well, having played B.A. since I started into WH40k, I'm not unfamiliar with Templars CC abilities, and having played a White Scars army very briefly I not so unfamiliar with the aspect of D.A. that I like(BOO To terminators).

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My secondary chapter of choice would either be White Scars or Salamanders. I enjoy each chapters fluff, and each has a rather specific playstyle I think I'd enjoy. Painting a ton of White Power armor is a big strike against the White Scars though, green would be much easier plus all the little scaly bits would be fun to add.
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Well, I started with Ultramarines, but got smart and painted em all red cause the RED ONES GO FASTA!!!! err.....um.... i mean....anyway, if I were to ever pick up another SM army other than my beloved BA, it would either be Salamanders for the fluff/paint scheme or Space Wolves strictly for the defensive nature of their gameplay. Absolutely hate their models, paint scheme, fluff, everything, but really dig how they play. They are the opposite of my furious charge, fast acting blood angels, and i think their gameplay would be fun. Seeing as how I just bought 2000pts of Nids, however, another SM army is not lookin like its gonna happen any time soon
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Dark Angels are NOT knights. Dark Angels resemble ancient European warrior monks, where Templar's resemble knights.

BT are crusaders, religious knights, while DA are 'normal' knightly order, with inner circle, grandmaster etc. Those are two different themes. And I think you meant not 'ancient' but 'medieval'. Sorry for offtop.

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Tau :)


I already have Ultra Smurfs. In fact I built them prior to BA. And to be honest, I still like those old-school blue-red-yellow guys. And I really loved the description of Guilliman in The First Heretic.


As for other loyalist chapters, hmmm... Maybe Crimson Fists...or Dark Angels - I'm not a fan of DA fluff, but I like their knightly theme, green and white color and hooded robes.


[Nitpick] Dark Angels are NOT knights. Dark Angels resemble ancient European warrior monks, where Templar's resemble knights.[/Nitpick]


I would likely play Spess Pups as I like their fluff just a bit more than Templars or Dark Angels, though all of the above are fine choices as well, having played B.A. since I started into WH40k, I'm not unfamiliar with Templars CC abilities, and having played a White Scars army very briefly I not so unfamiliar with the aspect of D.A. that I like(BOO To terminators).

may want to check your fluff there. preherasy they were alot more knightly. they seem ohav lost most of it with the destruction of caliban and the whole internal war thing and cover up. its ran very much like a knightly order and when they were on caliban they did go out and hunt down things like the stories of the knights of the round table. so err yea..

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I would have to say a Crimson Fist force myself for a couple reasons. One, I love Pedro Kantor, the model, the heraldry, and the stats. Second, I love that they share in the brotherhood we share. We are both dying chapter's but unlike us, they have the chance to rebuild hope, as opposed to us going out with a bang. Finally, I can't stay away from that Emepror-given color on their hand guards ;).


However, if the decision was fluff based alone, I would go Raven Guard or our "fallen" brothers of the Alpha Legion.


HAHA!! These are the EXACT armies I have on the shelf at home.. BA,C-Fists, Ravens, and a unit of Alphas from a failure to launch chaos project. :P So wierd..


As a bit of a Power armor junkie, my 4th army is in the works, Pre-renegade Astral Claws. Maybe i'll work those Alphas in there somewhere... ;)



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I would colect a home made chapter called the white tigers. if i go into more detail i will be called a heritic.

here is what a marine looks like.


If a few people want back story than i will post, but i won't change the subject

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I used to run Raven Guard back with the old IA army list. Scouts giving +1 to reserve rolls, DS with rerolls, and stupidly expensive HQs. The game, the fluff and the scheme was just sweet. Still got a massive soft spot for the sons of Corax, could well redo them.

The other chapter I'd really like to do would be the Scythes of the Emperor. These guys lost everything fighting the 'nids, including their homeplanet of Sotha and 80% of their battle brothers, and yet are still fighting. That takes some stones!

Mind you, I play Blood Angels, came very close to starting Flesh Tearers and Celestial Lions, and would dearly like a Scythes army... I think I just have a thing for doomed chapters!

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It would be White Scars for me. I had a small WS army a long time ago and didn't find painting white all that hard thanks to white primer. An army of bikes and land speeders sound pretty cool to me. I remember the first Armegeddon campaign in White Dwarf (ten years ago???). I fell in love with all the marine chapters involved- Blood Angels, White Scars, and Salamanders (sorry if I forgot a chapter).
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