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Deep strike and combat squads!

Autobot Tran

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Heyo, i have a question about deep striking and combat squads... when i make my decision to combat squad do i do that before the game? like before either player depolys? and can i combat squad a 10 man in a dedicated transport?


also with deep striking do i announce which units im deep striking before the first player deploys? for example can i decide which units i want to hold in deep strike or reserve after seeing him depoly if he takes first turn?

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You decide to combat squad when the unit is deployed. So, if your opponent goes first, you can chose after seeing his deployment. Also, if a unit is kept in reserve you decide to combat squad when it arrives from reserves (though some people argue this one).


Same for deep strike/reserves. If your opponent goes first you can decide after his deployment what to hold in reserve or not.

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