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New to Blood Angels


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Hey there, just looking for some quick answers and one long one hopefully. First are the blood angels mainly focused around close combat? Second from what i can tell a lot of the units that are not standard tac marines can be taken as troops, true, false? (appologies i do not have access to the current codex). Third What is one of the better Hq's to take to be based around Close combat and augment it. And fourth Is there any possible chance at all that someone can make me up a quick 500 point list, i'd like to start a small force to play with a buddy who hasn't finshed much of his force so i need something small but somewhat effective. Thanks for any help you can give at all and once more appologize for being so underinformed on the matter. Oh and also some Info as to if there are epcific blood angels marines that you can get or do you just paint the regular tac suqads red.
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Well hello! Welcome to the Blood Angels!


Hey there, just looking for some quick answers and one long one hopefully. First are the blood angels mainly focused around close combat? Second from what i can tell a lot of the units that are not standard tac marines can be taken as troops, true, false? (appologies i do not have access to the current codex). Third What is one of the better Hq's to take to be based around Close combat and augment it. And fourth Is there any possible chance at all that someone can make me up a quick 500 point list, i'd like to start a small force to play with a buddy who hasn't finshed much of his force so i need something small but somewhat effective. Thanks for any help you can give at all and once more appologize for being so underinformed on the matter. Oh and also some Info as to if there are epcific blood angels marines that you can get or do you just paint the regular tac suqads red.


To answer your initial question, yes. The Blood Angels are a codex that is mainly built for the close combat. Thats not to say that you can't create a shooty Blood Angels force either, but its always more fun when you get up, close, and personal with your opponent. :P


Regarding Troop Choices, the Blood Angels can take more than just the regular Scout and Tactical Marine choices. We also have access to Assault Marines, Death Company, and Death Company Dreadnoughts.


An HQ choice that would be best to "augment" your troops really depends on your play style. The Sanguinor is great as he gives all units within 6 inches an extra attack. He also blesses a sergeant providing him with a +1 to WS, Wounds, Initiative, and Attack. Another great choice is a Librarian. Their psychic powers can provide cover saves to your units and give them preferred enemy. You might want to take a look at Sanguinary Priests. They give all models within 6 inches of them Furious Charge and Feel No Pain. I think its worth it. Astorath is good to because you have a 50% chance of giving your models the Red Thirst special rule, which is essentially what a Priest does.


An examples of a 500 point list would go something like this:


Librarian - 125

-Jump Pack


Sanguinary Priest


Assault Squad - 153

- Additional marine


-Power fist


Assault Squad - 145


-Twin Linked Assault Cannon


-Power fist


EDIT: I forgot to add the points for the Jump Pack on the Librarian. This list comes out to 473. So you have 27 points to play with.


I incorporated both a Jump Pack unit and a unit in a Razorback so you can get a feel for which kind you like better as many people play either mech or jump pack forces. The Librarian should go with the Jump Pack unit. Make sure you take the Shield of Sanguinius psychic power as it gives your units a 5+ cover save. The Priest should go with the squad in the Razorback. Or you could switch the Librarian with the Priest and give the priest a jumpack. That way the Razorback get the cover save.


Good luck with your first game man.


Sun Reaver

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Thanks for the info on them really appreciate it. As far as mech v.s. jump pack is either one VASTLY superior to the other or just a play style preference. I ask this becuase im workin up a pretty heavy mech sallies list already involving 2 rhino, 2 vindicator, Land radier, 2xTyphoon speeders so a lot of mech and pretty shooty. This is the main reason I wanted to play blood angels kind of the opposite of playing this list while seeming to be very much viable to win. Also i think playing some Blood Angels against a massive wall of orc boys is something that sounds just amazing lol.


Now to point at the army list and astoroth. I know you can't give me difinitive point values for things as it's against the TOS but... Would you say that Astoroth is too high of a points cost for a 500 point army? also how many marines are in each of the assault squads? just as a points reference not looking for exact numbers. thanks again!


One more thing i should mention is that i have a chaplain with a jump pack sitting in the wing unpainted, would that be a viable HQ?

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For 500 points, Astorath is almost half your points. He's really not worth it.


I say this as the biggest Astorath fan on the board, but I wouldn't use him at less than 1000, and even at that low of points I would use him rarely.

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At between 500-1250 points, you usually take a librarian, unless you have something very particular in mind.

I've had more success at small games with Reclusiarchs than I have with Librarians. But that might just be me.

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At between 500-1250 points, you usually take a librarian, unless you have something very particular in mind.

I've had more success at small games with Reclusiarchs than I have with Librarians. But that might just be me.


I'm sure that is a possibilty as well =) There are some powers that usualy are quite bad, that actually make loads of sense in 500-1000 pts.

Take Smite, or Might of Heroes for instance. Or Plain old Unleash rage (eeeer... speaking of not taking a chaplain xD). He doesn't have to have blood lance for once, as the 2-4 obligatory meltaguns should be enough. Heck, you might not even need Shield for 500 points, as you're probably quite spread out.


I've only found that once you go above 1000-1250 pts, Shield and Spear become no-brainers, otherwise the libby is quite flexible. Sanguine Sword is also criminally scary in low point games.


According to me.

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At 1000 pts I'd go with Reclusiarch too. Libby has good CC power but he's 1W, and Recl has 3W and with DC at his back he can chop through most of the troops your opponent can throw at 1k.
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At 1000 pts I'd go with Reclusiarch too. Libby has good CC power but he's 1W, and Recl has 3W and with DC at his back he can chop through most of the troops your opponent can throw at 1k.


Libby does have 2 woounds, just 4 I. The difference is 30 points, so as both of you swear by R-man, I'd say go for what you can cram in with those two in mind. Just never use a Captain. Ever.

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At 1000 pts I'd go with Reclusiarch too. Libby has good CC power but he's 1W, and Recl has 3W and with DC at his back he can chop through most of the troops your opponent can throw at 1k.


Libby does have 2 woounds, just 4 I. The difference is 30 points, so as both of you swear by R-man, I'd say go for what you can cram in with those two in mind. Just never use a Captain. Ever.

Yep, he's 2W. Nevertheless, no ++, so losing him to PF is pretty possible. As for Captain - yes, sadly he's not worth it, but Recl can compensate easily for it.

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