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Reserve Rolls


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Hypothetically speaking of Course I have 2 Deepstriking Squads A HG and a VV squad, can I roll both of my Reserve rolls and then decide whether or not I Reroll them?


For Instance I roll HG they don't come in can I roll the VV they do not come in, and then reroll the VVs they still do not come in, so I decide not to bring the HG in. Is that Legal I have not found anything regarding when the rolls must be made.


P.S. What I have found is once a unit has passed its reserve roll it must enter.


NOTE:I am asking about if I roll a reserve roll can I roll my other units before making the decision to reroll?

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I'm pretty sure that each reserve roll must be resolved before moving on to the next one.


Don't have anything that states it outright, but that just "feels" like what should be done.


It's part of what makes reserves risky. Maybe that second unit doesn't show up to support the first.

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I don't think you can decide to see all the rolls before doing rerolls on the fails. Pick one, roll it, then decide to reroll before moving on is how I believe it works.
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Makes sense but as I am thinking about my 'Ard Boyz I am trying to consider any posssible advantage. I also suppose realistically the chance to arrive is the same no matter which order I roll the reserves. Which mean they come in one at a time at the worst possible moments.
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