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flesh eater info

brother varen

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Greetings brothers and sisters. I am curious for any information on the Flesh Eaters. I know of these two sites:






But is there any other information? Also what about color scheme? I don't like the all red schemes that are Blood Angel successors. To me it just looks like they arte all Blood Angels with different chapter symbols.

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Along with the picture in the Lexicanum link there is also a piece of art showing the "Jaws of Death" assault squad who have teeth painted on the sides of their Mk6 helmets, there is also a picture in an old white dwarf showing various apothecary color schemes and the Flesh Eaters are one of them.

Unfortunately all the canon material shows them as primarily red with white trim.

flesheaters.net is a fan site, but if you wish to go down that road with your BA successor chapter more power to you.

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Thanks Mojonir.


Ok, well i guess that i will make a second army of Flesh Eaters. But i need your advice since i have never played Blood Angels before and haven't played for a long while.


I have read alot of armylists and i don't know what would work. I am looking for competitive lists (2000 pts) against all comers. Can all you experienced players help me out?


Can you give me example lists for the following: DOA list, Mech list, DC list (Have i forgot any?)


I like the stormraven and the Baal predator units, if that helps any. Any help would be appreciated.

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The BA codex can be daunting because almost everything is usable. But, being BA, we favor bodies over armor. The more bodies you are fielding with FNP and Melta the better you are doing. Making Armor a delivery system, and only a delivery system; however, that opinion is highly charged so take it or leave it.


DOA primarily use Priests + RAS + Support (personal choice).

Strategy: Drop-n-Pop

-Place HQ objective forward (Or, rear if cloak scouts are taken)

-Reserve everything and DS within 6" to enemy AV and Melta it.

-Weather a turn of fire with aid of FNP and then charge in if not already in CC with FC special ability.

-Secure HQ objective and contest enemies.


The first 2 variants are standard load outs when building a DOA list; however, the 3rd variant is a personal load out.


Priest: JP

RAS: PF/TH + 2x Melta


Priest: JP + Combi-Melta

RAS: Same As Above


Priest: JP + IP + PW

RAS: PF/TH + IP + 2x Melta


HQ Selection:

-Dante (Combos well with Sang Troops for surgical strikes)

-Sangor (Great when fielding mass RAS giving everyone +1 Atk)

-Lib (Best choice when building a balanced list due to cost and flexibility)

-Res/ Skull Guy (Best when used with DC)


Support for a Pure DOA list has to have a JP:

-HG (small and costly, but they can do it all plus more)

-Sang (Add Dante)

-DC (Best left out unless building a list around them)

-VV (Small, costly, and situational at best, but can really turn the tide if the dice are in your favor)


Support for DOA with Hybrid elements allows you to take whatever you can justify.


Sample List:

2x Lib's w/ Combi

4x Priest w/ Combi

6x10 RAS: TH + 2x Melta

3x3 Bikes w/ MM


Mech, well it’s a delivery system to me.

Who needs help being delivered onto the field in tandem with your DOA build? Meph, Furioso, Termi's, and DC do!

-Storm Raven: Meph/ Termi's + Furioso

-Land Raider: Skull Guy + DC


However, if one wants a traditional Mech list I would highly suggest building a GK Crowe list (that stuff is awesome!), but if BA is the flavor then one could do this.


Sample List:

1x Meph (Load into SR)

3x Furioso (Attach to SR)

6x RAS w/ RB: AC

3x Baal: AC

3x SR: AC + MM


DC lists...They are possible to build, just not at winning. Also, another list is the Golden Nipple Army with Dante and Sang Troops. Props who ever named it.

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Thanks Spec.ops


In your opinion which is better, the DOA or Mech list? In the Mech list, why not use tact squads in rhinos? Noob here sorry.


Almost all BA lists don't use tacticals. Any reasons why?

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N one can really say which is better many people will tell you their opinions but that is all they are, opinions. But builds are competitive but just do things a little differently. If you are a very aggressive player than DOA is probably for you. If you like shooting than mech.


Most ba armies dont have tacs because we have assault marines as troops and most people like them better however many people still use tacs and are great objective holders and all-rounders so dont count them out if you want to use them.


The reason people favor asscan razors with assault squads are the discount for buying the razor and you get a lot of firepower in a squad that is much cheaper.


Hopefully that answers your questions

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Thanks Spec.ops


In your opinion which is better, the DOA or Mech list? In the Mech list, why not use tact squads in rhinos? Noob here sorry.


Almost all BA lists don't use tacticals. Any reasons why?


DOA, because it plays to BA's strengths: Mobile Bodies w/ FNP + CC w/ FC + Mass Melta. However; don't let me discourage you if you favor mech. We can do things that no other army can do i.e. Baal Preds, 24" threat Vindi's, and DS'ing Raiders! But, I max out BA Assault Cannons's at 12 = 48 S6 Rending shots as apposed to a GK's Crowe list - 9x Razors w/ AC = 36x S7 Rending shoots + Troops: walking 48 and/ or standing 96x S7 standing with Rending = Totaling: 84/ 132x S7 Rending! And then, there is IG the God Tier of Mech.


TAC's cost more and do less.


TAC + Rino = 220

RAS + Rino = 205


RAS can detach their JP's to board a vehicle for a point reduction; thus, make TAC's obsolete. The funny thing is that RAS can be viewed as "TAC's" when they detach their JP's to board a vehicle. Also, if need a unit to hold an objective take scouts: Infiltrate, Scout, Move-Through-Cover, Stealth with access to snipers/ shotguns, ML, and a Locator Beacon! Oh, and a T4 with a +2 Cover Save!

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Thanks for the replies.


What culture is used for Blood Angel fluff/names?


The only problem i have have making a list is like you said before we can use everything. I would like to create a begining list that is good against all comers that i can refine as i go. I was orginally thinking of a DOA army with stormravens and Death company. Would this be good to start with?


I haven't played since 2nd edition and really didn't develop a play style. So i am unsure where to start.


I will post a list later for you all to look at and give your opinions.

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What I am currently working on is both at once an easy way to do this is magnetize the backpacks so that you can switch and buy the tanks as well. It is awesome!


People are going to argue whether DoA or Mech is better but you will never get a concise answer

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