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Angels Sanguine Sergeants


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I've just finished painting the sergeant for my first Angels Sanguine Tactical Squad. With this army, I'm following the fluff that this chapter never remove their helmets, which means even sergeants have to wear protective headgear. Here though I've hit on a problem, as the sergeants have no clear difference in colour scheme to normal marines. I can't use the inverted shoulder pad colours of regular Blood Angels as the schem is already halved, and painting the pad interiors differently would ruin the look. The helmet colour is already used to denote squad type so I can't give them a different coloured helmet, like codex marines either. My thoughts were maybe to add more embelishments from the SG and DC boxes, but I've already built a couple so they'll stand out even less. I suppose I could add back banners, but I've always thought these looked rather ridiculous. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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This is one of the problems with fluff like this... it makes things tough to model sometimes. I think if you wanted them to stand out, you could... make their power weapons/fists, etc. stand out, do the back banners or some type of more subtle ornamentation, make their bases more "epic" elevate him above his brothers, or use a unique, fancier helmet (one of the BA sprues has some with laurels and such.) Hope this helps!



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It sounds like you are going for a very "modern" look for your army. If so, then your Sergeants should look like the rest of your troops. Much like today's military, out in the field, you would be hard pressed to pick out the Platoon Sergeant, the Squad Officer, Company Commander, etc. unless you knew exactly what you are looking for. There is a real battlefield reason for this: snipers.


Now, 40K is a science fiction game with laser guns and robots. Leaders run around without helmets not for any kind of tactical advantage, but because it looks cool. They often have vastly different armor and weapons making them easy to stand out. GW does all this on purpose. There is no game penalty for your models being painted in bright red, not wearing helmets, and carrying a Bolter in one hand and a chainsword in the other, or carrying a weapon bigger then they are. GW even wrote this into the canon of 40K saying Space Marines want the enemies of man to know who is about to kick their butt. Realize that 40K is all about garish paint schemes where the word Hero is capitalized and should stand out to fight the bad guy.


You could paint a contrasting stripe on the helmets of the Sergeants and maybe adding laurels for the commanders or something. Otherwise, you're army will look much like a modern day army: Homogenized and bland so that no one sticks out.

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The Sanguinary Guard has the helms that The Crimson Cartel mentioned. They have laurels on them.

I think they would look good for sergeants if they were painted fairly bright to be in contrast with the dark colours the Angels Sanguine have.

But not too bright or it will look fluro.

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When I tried my hand at Angels Sanguine, had a coupla Sergeants with either halved Gold/Black helmets or all Gold for Vets.

Check out page 80 in the Blood Angel Codex for a good example... Heck, that model makes me wanna try a new Angels sanguine army!


It was the new fluff about never removing their helmets that put me off (Weirdly, I like painting faces)!

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I've been toying with what to do with my Srgt for the Angels Sanguine as well, I want them to look uniformed with the rest of the squad so I'm leaving his color scheme mostly the same, I'll rely on his weaponry to set him apart from the squad and give him some additional purity seals and iconography. I'm toying with the iddea of a back banner for tactical Srg's and a BA specific topper on Jump Pack Srg's (I hate magnetizing jump packs so all my JP are glued in place), something like the banner topper from the Sanguinary Guard box would look decent on the top of the JP I think.
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just give them a big flashy powerfist or powerweapon...and purity seals... and paint on extra details like hazard stripes etc... its what i did for my early sargents. every time they do wel they get something extra added...
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I recommend grabbing the Dark Angel upgrade sprue and using the robed figures as sergeants.


I've personally used some of the parts from that sprue and they look nice (you might need to take a hobby knife to the winged swords, but its easy work).

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There are may options:


Chapter badge on left shoulder displaying yellow wings against a black field

Right shoulder could bear terminator honours

Alternate color (or ½ color) on helmet

Back banners denoting squad/role affiliation

Almost any bit out of the plastic SM Captain box

Basing – stomping on defeated enemies never hurt

Use models selected from SM Vets Mark 1, 2 or Masters of the Chapter, etc.


Just have fun with it. -OMG

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I use the back banners to make my Blood Angel sergeants stand out (already mentioned). As for the shoulder pads, I don't paint the interior black, but rather use burnished gold around the edges. Most of my Sergeants have some kind of CC weapon, or in the case of two of them combi-weapons. Almost all of them have the short tabard in front as well.
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I play angels sanguine and my sergents are differentiated by having a crux terminatus on the shoulder, different color helmets (mine are bone white because not a fan of gold helmets) and a cape and a dynamic pose doesnt hurt. When i get my camera back ill put some pictures up of some of my sergeants.
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Thanks for all the advice guys, there's some top suggestions in there. It just so happens I've got the Dark Angels kit on order, but the robes are being mixed between my priests and HQs. I'm steering clear of the crux as I want the company symbol to stand out, and I'm saving the crux pads for my veterans. Back banner and banner top icons are getting some serious consideration for the older models, as are tabards and loincloths. In the end I've decided to sculpt a unique shoulder pad for each of my sergeants, depicting an individualised version of the chapter symbol. I've decided this honour is extended to all veterans and sergeants, so each of my terminators will have to be individualised too. Future squads will all get shiny helmets courtesy of the Sanguinary Guard and Death Company.


I'll try and get some pics up in the next day or so. In the meantime has anyone else got pics of their Angels Sanguine Sarges?

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You could paint a contrasting stripe on the helmets of the Sergeants and maybe adding laurels for the commanders or something. Otherwise, you're army will look much like a modern day army: Homogenized and bland so that no one sticks out.

I do the same just paint a stripe down the center of the helm crest. Makes sence to have the sarge the most badass with a warrior stripe!. You could carry that same style thru out the force with out breaking fluff, or lore on paint sceams either.

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In the end I've decided to sculpt a unique shoulder pad for each of my sergeants, depicting an individualised version of the chapter symbol. I've decided this honour is extended to all veterans and sergeants, so each of my terminators will have to be individualised too.


Brother will you please post these when you get em done? VERY curious to see how they turn out.



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