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My Vanguard Veterans


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Some time ago I built myself a squad of Vanguard Veterans with jump packs in keeping with the theme of my Space Marine army. They're not painted yet (one of the many things on my "to-do" list … ) but I finally got round to taking some photos of them:

First, the whole squad as I have it now, on my workbench:


Basically it's just four models with bolt pistol and chainsword plus a sergeant with bolt pistol and a power sword. Here's one of the models in close-up:


The body is a Sisters of Battle Seraphim, with the head removed by means of clippers, after which I used a Dremel with a routing bit to hollow out the neck. The heads on most of the figures are resin Barbarian Heads from Micro Art Studio, but one has a plastic Warhammer Fantasy head (the last one I had left, and there are only four heads in the Micro Art pack, so this all came together quite nicely). All the models except for the sergeant had one hand with a bolt pistol sawed off and replaced by a hand with a chain sword left over from plastic Space Marine kits.


The wings are also from Micro Art Studio: Mechanical Wings set 1 and set 2 fixed in various poses.

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Guns... good. Chainswords... good. Breasts... Good.



Whats not to like?


The beards?


The mechanical wings look good on the seraphim models, but the bearded heads have kind of ruined it. What exactly is the theme of your army?

This might sound a little mean, but… Seriously? Have you actually thought this build through? Chicks bodies with beardy man heads? I don’t know, it’s very… out there, but who are we to tell you what you can and can’t do with your models. So seeing it objectively… You glued on the parts really nice!



Why am I not surprised at most of these reactions? Oh, wait, maybe that's because it's what usually happens when someone sees (pictures of) my space marines … :geek:


So, in order to explain why these are Sisters of Battle bodies with great big bearded heads, I will explain the history of this army in pictures. First, there was this squad:




That got painted up as part of a joke at my local game store. I liked the look, so I decided to make an army following this theme, and give the chapter the name Young Men's Imperial Ass'n, or YMIA — yes, two jokes in one, though most people don't even see the first one, it often seems. I soon got a few more tactical squads painted up, and also some terminators:




The army obviously needed some kind of leader:




and a scout squad:




And while I was converting anyway, some veterans were needed that fit the theme:




Does this explain why the Vanguard Veterans look the way they do? Yes? Good :P

what a waste of those nice mechanical wings on these..

sorry mate but I even prefer hello kitty marines on these flat pinkies.. :geek:

more than all cause even with the same bg concept you could have done far better..

let me say one more thing...rainbow warriors! :P


beside..don't count on my support on this project of yours..

..have a nice day!

They look like cross dressing space wolves...and that is NOT a good look...

well it would be some improvement over all.


But yeah, I'm kinda lost as to what the theme of your army is. Unless it's Rocky Horror Picture show and even then I'm a little uncertain.

Ok... cross dressing aside...


I find these conversions a bit disjointed - you have 3 sizes of parts going on here and they don't really match.


As far as the paint jobs... they all seem a bit flat. After the initial shock of "oh, pink marines" there's not much too them.


I'd suggest wash + highlights, and take some time to pick out the details.


Also, are you planning on putting banners on those standard-bearers?


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