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Making a Death Company as dynamic as possible

Losfer Werds

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I picked up the Blood Angels Battle Force during spring break (not so much a break and more of a "catch-up") and slowly been putting it together. Finally I started on the DC and decided that I didn't want to make them in the standard "shooty" pose, these guys are supposed to be afflicted with the curse after all why would they be standing and shooting. I wanted it to seem like they were running headlong at the enemy, shortening the gap so they could tear them apart with their teeth and combat blades.










This is the first idea that I came up with, and I plan to add more as the ideas continue.

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Dynamic poses are all about giving the impression of motion. There's a few common tricks to do this.


Posture: When humans move the head is usually turned in that direction, the same goes for shooting. If you are moving quickly and aggressively forward the torso will be tilted forwards, you don't run with your back perfectly straight. The usual space marine arms don't do dynamic poses very well, try to imagine striking out against something and then replicate that pose on your model. Cutting off the hands just below the wrist and rotating them slightly can do wonders.


Props: Let's start with a really bad example, Vulcan He´stan.


This model is a mess. The cape is going one way, the fire another and then the spear is doing it's own thing as well. It looks off because the sense of motion is not consistent. You want everything to look as if it's being affected by the same force as well as making sense with the models pose. If a marine is clearly posed as if he was running forward then you want to make sure that his purity seals, pelts, chalice, sling, etc isn't going in the opposite direction.



I'll post some example pics of my own later.

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I tend to use exaggerated poses stolen directly from old Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko Marvel comics from the 60s and 70s. I exaggerate the lean forwards to run and the 'backswing' of a killing blow. It works well with heroically proportioned miniatures like Space Marines.


But it is all about the lines of motion. Knife&Fork made an excellent post.

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Well, looks like my real camera didn't survive the cross country trip. I took a picture with my crappy cellphone cam though.


This is from my current batch of assault marines. It's been superglued for demonstration.




Torso is tilted slightly forward, head slightly up to avoid him looking at the ground. The head is looking down the pistol and the arm swung back, the wrist is cut and the hand holding the chainsword rotated a few degrees.


Something to keep in mind, keep it simple. Don't try to think up this advanced scenario or scene, just get those basic poses right. I'm a bit guilty of this myself, I come up with this "really cool pose" but when you look at it the day after it doesn't really make sense. Marine running, shooting, striking, a combination or preparation to do one of them. Limit yourself to these unless you're making a diorama.

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I've always had the motion on models with their feet rooted and with firing weapons and chopping etc but I never really had the running down but now I've tried with the body tilted forwards and it really works, thanks brothers.
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Upgraded the original 1st DC model a little bit...



Working on the second I unintentionally made almost the same exact pose. Didn't really realize that until I had started painting and by that point I was too happy with the way it looked to start over. Do kind of dislike the empty hand though.



Working on the third I read through the C:BA, totally upset by the fact that the DC can't get a flamer upgrade I said "Well hell with this, rule of cool." I wanted a flamer, so I went with the hand flamer and a bolt pistol.



I've got 2 more left and a few ideas still so we'll see how they turn out.

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Dude with dual pistols looks best so far, I think you're starting to get the hang of it. :D

Why not add a chainsword or grenade arm to the guy with the bolter?


You can always try to assemble a few models in different poses (try striking a dramatic pose yourself) using a minimal amount of super glue. Leave them overnight and see which one still look cool in the morning. It's easy enough to just snap the arms or torso off, specially if you freeze them first.

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What if you tried leaning the models forward a bit more? Adjust the head and arm positions so they are forward a bit with the face facing forward. Keep the up arm opposite of the up knee if that makes any sense. Twist the torso to face the up knee and see what you think.
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How do you get that nice shiny black? Gloss varnish?


I use a flat black spray paint (really cheap spray paint, but it dries very quickly) as the original base coat, then use a coat of Chaos Black. It seems to make it shine a bit more then a straight base coat of Chaos Black.

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Made some changes to the second marine with the empty hand. Checked the Codex and the DC does get frag and krak grenades so I switched the empty hand out for one with a grenade.



Finished the 5th and final Death Company marine. I really wanted to get the "lean" right on this one.


different angle



Complete project. This is what was going to be my LPC vow this year, but I had way to much to do for school.



edit: At this point I am officially out of room on my workbench shelf...and I still have half an Assault Squad and a Tactical squad to paint.

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I just got some really good poses.. Experimented with how I would move and then translated it to the DC marine! I got one running bent right over with two chainswords with the opposite arm raised to the knee that is bent and vice versa and one leaning right back bringing his chainsword up across his neck about to strike out! They all look so dynamic I'm very pleased with them so I'll post some pics when I get home and assemble the rest of them.
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Looking good. Works even better with the whole squad together.


Are you going to apply some wash to the bare headed marines?


I've never tried using washes on un-helmeted heads, what do most people use?

I think people use Gryphonne Sepia or Ogryn Flesh, then highlight with your normal skin color (cant remember the name of it).

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Looking good. Works even better with the whole squad together.


Are you going to apply some wash to the bare headed marines?


I've never tried using washes on un-helmeted heads, what do most people use?

I think people use Gryphonne Sepia or Ogryn Flesh, then highlight with your normal skin color (cant remember the name of it).


I use Elf Flesh for all of my Blood Angel's faces, since they're supposed to be somewhat "fair skinned".

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Looking good. Works even better with the whole squad together.


Are you going to apply some wash to the bare headed marines?


I've never tried using washes on un-helmeted heads, what do most people use?

I think people use Gryphonne Sepia or Ogryn Flesh, then highlight with your normal skin color (cant remember the name of it).


I use Elf Flesh for all of my Blood Angel's faces, since they're supposed to be somewhat "fair skinned".


I got so used to painting chaos I forgot what my recipe for normal humans flesh is but now I'm using a tallarn flesh base then a wash with ogryn flesh then go over with elf flesh leaving the wash in the lines in the face and eyes etc. I feel that elf flesh is the best colour for caucasian skin tones!


What about BA hair, we are ment to be blonde yeah? What's your recipe for that?

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