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Warptime question


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I always thought that Warptime let you reroll failed "to hit" and "to wound" rolls. But I have heard an opinion that you reroll ALL dices, meaning that if you have 4 attacks and hit with 2 of them and wish to reroll, the you must roll all 4 dices again. The description of Warptime is:


"... the psyker may reroll all rolls to hit and rolls to wound for the entirety of that player turn."


ALL being the keyword here.


So, any clarification?

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I don't know if it's been FAQed but I would say that it sounds like yes, you would have to re-roll all the dice, but its your choice whether you do so.

The gods of the warp are capricious and their 'gifts' are not always helpful...

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Sentence diagraming for the win!


What can you do with the dice? You may reroll the dice.


How many of them? All of them.


Do you have to reroll all of them? no. But you can if you want to. Generally speaking you can reroll any number of them unless it specifies otherwise. Ive never heard anyone try to argue you had to reroll the entire batch.

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Shame on you all! You OR vets should remember this debacle :) This appears in the Grey Area rules.




That said, I am still on GM's side here; it says "May". Be nice to Chaos, their current codex is a pale shadow of their former might.

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Yeah, if you're playing Grammarhammer 40,000 - you may re-roll all (or you may re-roll none) hits or misses, otherwise it would say any.

If you're playing a normal game in the normal world, I would say re-roll any or all hits or misses as you decide. But that's just me.

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