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Forgeworld or Games Workshop bloodthirster?


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So, I'm slowly starting a Daemon army (Mono God), I have one daemon prince (Still shrink wrapped) so far, and now I'm looking at getting a couple of bloodthirsters.

I really like the Forgeworld bloodthirster, but it looks absolutely huge. I don't know how big the GW bloodthirster is, so I'm asking you guys, is it much bigger, to the point where I could be hurting myself, or is it just a bit so it doesn't really matter?


I suppose I could get both and compare them, but I'd rather ask first ;-)

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If you are playing regular 40k games, you want the GW Bloodthirster. It is on a 60mm (Dreadnought) base and suitable for regular games.


The FW Bloodthirster is MUCH larger, and would be very difficult to play standard games with. It is designed to be the special Bloodthirster from the Imperial Armour Apocalypse book, and as such is intended for Apocalypse games.


If however, you just want a really awesome model (and in the flesh it is REALLY awesome), and you can afford it, go for the FW one.

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Its about twice the overall size of the GW one the last time I saw them together. Just absolutely huge.


My favorite bloodthirster was a plastic one from waaaay backin the day. A close friend of mine used to field him on a dread base (he wasnt supplied with one) and he was only slightly larger than a space marine.


We called him 'fluffy'.

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The only problem wic the GW Bloodthirster is it's all metal, metal is a pain in the ass to work wic even more so on a large model. Everything will need to be pinned or magnetized so it doesn't break all the time. Also the GW one is very old, and quite ugly compared to the new demons.


Here's the best size comparison I could find between FW's and GW's Bloodthirsters':


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So, I'm slowly starting a Daemon army (Mono God), I have one daemon prince (Still shrink wrapped) so far, and now I'm looking at getting a couple of bloodthirsters.

I really like the Forgeworld bloodthirster, but it looks absolutely huge. I don't know how big the GW bloodthirster is, so I'm asking you guys, is it much bigger, to the point where I could be hurting myself, or is it just a bit so it doesn't really matter?


I suppose I could get both and compare them, but I'd rather ask first ;-)


Well to be honest he is almost impossible to hide... and if he scatters in a deepstrike he has a huge base... so that would be a bigger problem... oh and moving him through forests/buildings... you either have to crush the terrain or remove it!


It is however awesome... The Eldar Avatar isn't as bad... it is still harder to hide but you don't need to worry about deepstrike and it is still small enough that it will fit in some bits...


The Blood Thirster however is awesome in resin form!

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the FW bloodthirster is good for apoc games and such, it's a little overkill to use a huge model like that in normal games.

It's very difficult to hide, and has a huge base for the deepstrike.. like mentioned above.

But for the sheer awesomeness.. it's really up to your personal taste.


to see the difference take a look :


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Just get the FW khorne demon prince and use that as a bloodthirster.


I assume you mean this one: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-4000...AND-HERALD.html

I was thinking of getting that one anyway and using it as a...Daemon Prince :-)


Ultraforge also has a nice greater deamon, which might work as a Bloodthirster. Check their Greater Wardeamon :lol:



Yeah, that looks damn good.

I've had a hard time finding someone that sells them in the UK though. But definitely worth getting I think...


EDIT: And just as I typed that I thought of eBay which happens to have them....

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