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Ramming on a corner


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The BRB is pretty clear on how a Ram works. Nothing complicated there.

However, what happens if the victim of a ram is hit on a corner?


Let's say I'm ramming a Leman Russ Battle Tank with a Land Raider. In pivoting, and moving directly forward to the Russ, my point of impact is the left rear corner of the Russ. Which AV do I hit? Rear, or side?

The BRB doesn't cover the situation, unfortunately.


I've come up with two options:


First option is to measure which facing the majority of the ramming vehicle is in, and use that facing as the impact point. If my Land Raider impacts so that 1" is in the rear arc, but 5" are in the side arc, the hit is applied to the side AV.


Second option is a flat high/low roll. Assign high or low to side and rear, and roll away. Lady luck decides your impact point.



Are there any written rules to help guide this situation?

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I don't have a rulebook here to check exact wording, but I think what you would do is mentally draw a line down the center of the land raider, then a line from corner to corner on the Russ, and whichever side of the line the center of the land raider ends up on is the armor facing it hits, basically like a shooting attack. For shooting determining the side is straightforward since the shot comes from what is effectively a single point, I'm not sure if the 'center line of the ramming vehicle' has a real rule base or if I just made it up.
As far as I can read, it is neither covered in the rules nor has a precedent.


I'd go with the facing the center of the ramming vehicle is in.

I agree with Seahawk on this one, and if its to close to call a simple D6 is a good way to go.

Way I see it you have two choices:


1. Do as you said, and go with whichever facing is in the majority, if you hit the target vehicle at an exactly equal angle to each target armour facing.


2. If the impact point on your vehicle is the dead centre of the front armour, look at the angle it is ramming at. If the front armour of your vehicle is more parallel with the rear armour plate of the target vehicle (i.e. the angle between your front armour plate and the target's rear armour plate is less than 90 degrees), then you hit it's rear armour. Likewise for any other armour facing of the target vehicle.


The best idea is to discuss with your opponent which it should be, and if opinion is split, then dice off, as suggested.


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