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3.5 Chaos Codex Vs 4.0


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I find it easier to combine the Index Astartes legion rules with the 4th edition Codex. No major tweaks required, but it's no replacement for the "veteran" feel of the old book.


Oh I missed this one!


Lay, I am not familiar with this.. Can you tell me a little more about this?


I believe that in the front of the 3.5 codex it says that the Index Artartes articles for the CSMs were moved into said codex, tweaking some things along the way. So using the 3.5 legion rules is pretty much the same thing. :blush:

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One thing I would like to be able to see the return of is the Lieutenant/Lesser Sorcerer (name?), but priced into the 4th Ed Codex. Mostly for a weekly sub-tournament my LGS is doing called 40K in 40 minutes, that has a 500 point army with no 3 wound HQs (and a couple of other restrictions). It would be good to use it to get used to my Chaos Marine army while I'm building it.


I was thinking of running this by my LGS to see how well it would fly if they were set up as following, but I'd like to run it by you guys.


Chaos Lieutenant: Same stats and Points as a Wolf Battle Guard Leader.

Wargear: Same as Lord.

USR: Same as Lord, though I'm thinking no Invul save, thoughts?

Options: Same as Lord, same pricing, too (just to be fair)


Lesser Sorcerer: Same stats as Lt, just minus 1 WS and I, maybe A?. Points would be +10 Lt.

Wargear: Same as Sorcerer

USR: Same as Sorcerer

Options: Same as Sorcerer, but no Terminator Armor or Familiar. (More options than a TS Aspiring Sorc, but not as many powers as a full Sorcerer).


Thoughts, rude remarks, should I move this somewhere else?

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Just got my 3.5 codex in the mail this afternoon...




This thing is nuts!


I've got a 1000 point game scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and what I thought I would do is this: make two lists. One list will be 3.5, and the other list will be a 4th edition list. I will try to keep them similar. Then I will play two games against the same 5th edition list (time permitting) and write a summary comparing the two, and also how the rules differences impacted the game or caused any confusion (or didn't) noting any workarounds.


I just emailed my friend ("TredHed" on this forum) the idea. He's already told me he doesn't mind me using the older codex, I just don't know if we'll have time for two games tomorrow.

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