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Missile launcher VS. Plasma Cannon


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No, But I did take a break from around 2005 to just about a week ago and haven't managed to play in any tournaments. And I lost once, to movie marines - not sure that should even count as a loss, though. Haven't lost to any tournament legal armies.


Read it or don't read it though. I think the ideas are solid, and I'm putting my undefeated record behind them. If you want a TL;DR of it, here you go:


3 concepts to building a winning army:


Specialization: pick a role for each unit in your list, then give it the best possible gear to accomplish that role, e.g. shooty units should take storm bolters instead of mixing and matching with storm bolters + power fist.

Redundancy: more is better e.g. 2 lascannons in a sternguard veterans squad instead of just one. That way if you lose one to some funky LoS trick, you've still got one.

Weight of dice: choose the options that have you rolling the most dice possible, e.g. pistols/ccw in your SoS (Source of Slaw = source of the slaughter, aka CC specialists) instead of replacing 2 bp/ccw with meltas or regular flamers/combi-weapons


2 subconcepts:

Flexibility: can be simply expressed as a ratio of anti-infantry (horde-killers) to anti-tank (tankbusters). I like to go with 70/30 hordekillers/tankbusters, since it's worked for me

Adaptability: don't expect your brilliant battle plan to survive past the first turn, because your opponent likely isn't going to play along with it.


Slight hyperbole on my part, but if you haven't failed it simply means you haven't challenged yourself.


I think your reasoning is too simplified and slightly flawed, but this thread is not the place to argue that.

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ok, guys. This thread is not the place to discuss PD78's tactica and winning%. Take that to his thread (which is going to be moved out of the BA army list forum into the main BA forum as its not a list)
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