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Just wondering, is there a fluff reason why Blood Angels terminators have red helmets whilst the veterans have gold? I'm wondering how to paint my Angels Sanguine ones at the minute.
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I am not sure if there is a fluff reason, but third, fourth, and fifth edition have always shown them with red helmets. Probably because people can notive they are verterans by the TDA. If you want them to have gold though, go for it, its your force and you can justify it by all the other vets having gold. Or jsut justify it by the rule of cool if you think the gold looks cooler.
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I'm not sure what the reason might be, but I prefer the red look to the gold on terminators for some reason. I've used gold on sternguard and vanguard helmets which I like, but for some reason gold termy heads don't do it for me. My AS termies happily had red/black halved helmerts.
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Conversely none of my veterans have gold helms. The first company markings and terminator honours serve to mark them as vets. Go with what you feel is coolest.
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Having had a scout back through the old codexes, it appears the gold markings for veterans only appeared with the latest codex. Before then, our only veteran squads were veteran assault squads, who had the standard yellow helms. Only Honour Guard had gold helms. As the current batch of termies were painted before the new codex came out, either could be correct.
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Personally I stick to all-red termies. Even though I like new gold-red vets color scheme, I don't like gold helmets on termies. Now, if they were white, it would change things. As for "fluffy" reason for TDA helms being red, I think that TDA itself is the best distinction for veteran.
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I think that TDA itself is the best distinction for veteran.
Yeah, no gold needed.

This came up not too long ago and it was pointed out that terminators were all Tactical Terminators in their first incarnation, hence TDA - tactical dreadnought armor, there wasn't a CC variant back then. So being a veteran tactical squad they got red helmets as the new gold thing wasn't around either.

Now, if they were white
Haha, check this out...I did these guys up years ago with white helmets and gold fists:


I just did them that way because I thought it looked cool. So, should CC termies have yellow helmets? It might look good...

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So, should CC termies have yellow helmets? It might look good...


GW have never painted Assault Terminators with yellow helmets but if I ever get round to doing some that's definitely how I'll do them.


They probably still have red because they'd always had red before, but its possible that when Blood Angels adopted helmet colour for squad type that they decided Terminators should keep the red helmets because the shooty Terminator squad at the time was actually called a Terminator Tactical Squad in the army list (whether thats why the kept the red is conjecture, that it was called a Terminator Tactical Squad is a fact)


I'm actually tempted to paint up a blue helmeted heavy weapon squad for Space Hulk 1st edition..

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I like the idea of White helmets but I'm doing cc terminators so I may go for the yellow helmets like our power armoured assault troops... I paint my HG all gold but with red robes (converted from da vets)
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