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Six Nations 2011

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Right, so I am to take part in a two day tourney this weekend as Part of the Barbarian Team which will take Frances place as all they tend to do these days is

and surrender.


So the Nations taking part are the 8 man teams that WILL be going to the ETC from:


Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland




Barbarian Team



The list that i will be taking to the tourney is as follows:


Librarian w/ Jump Pack, Unleash Rage + Blood Lance

Honour Guard w/ 4 Storm Shields, 1 Lightning Claw, 1 Lightning Claw, Power Fist

10 Assault Marines w/ Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns

5 Assault Marines w/ Meltagun

5 Scouts w/ Camo Cloaks, 5 Sniper Rifles, Combi-Melta

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

Furioso Dreadnought w/ Extra Armour, Blood Talons

5 Assault Terminators w/ 4 TH/SS

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns

Storm Raven w/ Extra Armour, Melta, AssCanns



The idea for this list is for the libby to either go with the HG and chop stuff up in CC or jump down with the RAS and Pop tanks.


Storm Raven 1 is Carrying Furioso + Termies

Storm Raven 2 is Carrying Furioso + HG

Scouts outflank and pop a tank, charge gunline armies vehicles or if needs be sit on Objective and keep getting 2++

RAS's DoA (generally) and pop tanks/ support the other units



The fixtures are:


Day 1 - Round 1

Wales v England, Northern Ireland v Republic of Ireland, Barbarians v Scotland


Day 1 - Round 2

England v Northern Ireland , Scotland v Wales, Republic of Ireland v Barbarians


Day 1 - Round 3

Northern Ireland v Wales, England v Barbarians, Scotland v Republic of Ireland


Day 2 - Round 4

Northern Ireland v Barbarians, Wales v Republic of Ireland, England v Scotland


Day 2 - Round 5

Scotland v Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland v England, Barbarians v Wales




We are playing 5 battles, missions will be randomly chosen from the following 6 at the beginning of each round. Each can only be played once so we don't end up with 5 kill point games or whatever :


Battle 1

Deployment: Spearhead. See page 93 in the rulebook.

Primary objective: Annihilation. See page 91 in the rulebook.

Secondary objective: Capture & control. See page 91 in the rulebook.


Battle 2

Deployment: Dawn of War. See page 93 in the rulebook.

Primary objective: Capture & control. See page 91 in the rulebook.

Secondary objective: Seize Ground (4 counters). See page 91 in the rulebook.

Positioning the objectives : each player must place one objective within 6" of his table edge and his other objective more than 12" from any table edge. The objectives within 6" of player's table edge count both for "Capture & control" and "Seize Ground" missions.


Battle 3

Deployment: Pitched battle. See page 92 in the rulebook.

Primary objective: Seize Ground (5 counters). See page 91 in the rulebook.

Secondary objective: Annihilation. See page 91 in the rulebook.


Battle 4

Deployment: Dawn of War. See page 93 in the rulebook.

Primary objective: Annihilation. See page 91 in the rulebook.

Secondary objective: Seize Ground (3 fixed counters). See page 91 in the rulebook.

Positioning the objectives : one objective is in the center of the table. The other 2 objectives are 24" from player's table edge and 6" of lateral table edges


Battle 5

Deployment: Pitched battle. See page 92 in the rulebook.

Primary objective: Capture & control. See page 91 in the rulebook.

Secondary objective: Annihilation. See page 91 in the rulebook.


Battle 6

Deployment: Spearhead. See page 93 in the rulebook.

Primary objective: Seize Ground (3 fixed counters). See page 91 in the rulebook.

Secondary objective: Capture & control. See page 91 in the rulebook.

Positioning the objectives : one objective is in the center of the table. The other 2 objectives are in the center of unoccupied table quarter



So, Wish me luck!

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I'm still smarting at that ^_^ 'goal' from Henry (my family is Irish even though I grew up in England.) Still whenever I see it I remember we knocked them out of the Rugby World Cup. Twice.
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You are going to get mangled.


But its ok:

'You're beautiful. Seriously like, you are. Look at ye. Savage. You're savage.'


As spoken by B-C Lucius on a drunken rampage when he saw some young ladies.





Remembering this next time I see him and shall quote it. Best of luck anyways to you lucius and Stormy. If I had known there was a barbarians team I might of applyed to be on it myself.

also Lucius you going to Brocon in july?

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Let's try and stir up as much problems as we can Lucy! :P (its been a while since that name was thrown at ya in realms hasn't it!)

Should be a good laugh, I just wanna see if Gaz can out leaf-blower the guard players with his 45 lootaz as he claimed he did!!!

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Well, back from the best weekend I've had wargaming.


I did terrible but utterly enjoyed the weekend. I ended up with 4 Losses and 1 Win. The captains matchups for me were pretty poor in general.


1st Game i got triple Trygon nids wit triple hive guard. I boosted the full 24 straight in his face which basically lost me the game straight away as all he did was surround the ravens in combat which meant i lost one of my dreads in one raven and the Termy squad in the other. Due to my own stupid mistakes i got tabled.


2nd Game i got paired up against gunline guard with 2 hydras, Manticore, Executioner, 3 vendetta's, plasma command and some chimeras. This game was the best game i had ever played and thoroughly enjoyed every bit while losing 14-6. Most of my army didnt come in till turn 3 which was great besides for my blood lancing libby and his assault squad which took out a hydra and a manticore with explosions.


3rd Game i got paired up with 4 Battlewagon orks with double Nobz. Worst game i ever played of 40k. I ended up killing 16 boyz while i conceded the game as all i ahd left was 2 immobilised dreads and pinned termies. I failed 2 Skimmer saves against the wagons which meant they got wrecked and my marines were slaughtered after they suicided to try and kill some Wagons. Out of the 9-10 glancing and penning AP1 hits against the battle wagons he saved all but one. the one that did get through got an immobilisation which was fixed next turn on a 4+.


4th Game i got paired against 15 Tank hunting termies with 2 cyclones each and 6 Typhoons. Got destroyed in this. i knew i had no chance going in against 12 lascannon shots and 12 krak shots. Got tabled here.


5th Game i got paired up against Triple Raider Marines. This was the weirdest game ever as the player i played was the one who carried the welsh team. I ended up winning 14-6. He had 4 Tac marines left, an immobilised raider and a libby with 7 tac marines, i had my honour guard left, 2 termies, 1 dread and my 5 man RAS left.



The missions for the tourney were fantastic and i think the missions should be the standard for all tourneys. Basically you had a primary objective which would be something like Annihilation and then a secondary which would be capture and control or the like or another example would be Multi-Objectives as primary and then annihilation as secondary.


Overall fantastic weekend and some great players at the event(as they were the countries ETC Teams). Stormbrow II and Scath also didnt do too well with Stormbrow II getting 1 Win 4 Draws and Scath getting 3 losses 2 draws i think but his Losses were against DE and his list was Double raider :ph34r: .

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Well, back from the best weekend I've had wargaming.


I did terrible but utterly enjoyed the weekend. I ended up with 4 Losses and 1 Win. The captains matchups for me were pretty poor in general.


1st Game i got triple Trygon nids wit triple hive guard. I boosted the full 24 straight in his face which basically lost me the game straight away as all he did was surround the ravens in combat which meant i lost one of my dreads in one raven and the Termy squad in the other. Due to my own stupid mistakes i got tabled.


2nd Game i got paired up against gunline guard with 2 hydras, Manticore, Executioner, 3 vendetta's, plasma command and some chimeras. This game was the best game i had ever played and thoroughly enjoyed every bit while losing 14-6. Most of my army didnt come in till turn 3 which was great besides for my blood lancing libby and his assault squad which took out a hydra and a manticore with explosions.


3rd Game i got paired up with 4 Battlewagon orks with double Nobz. Worst game i ever played of 40k. I ended up killing 16 boyz while i conceded the game as all i ahd left was 2 immobilised dreads and pinned termies. I failed 2 Skimmer saves against the wagons which meant they got wrecked and my marines were slaughtered after they suicided to try and kill some Wagons. Out of the 9-10 glancing and penning AP1 hits against the battle wagons he saved all but one. the one that did get through got an immobilisation which was fixed next turn on a 4+.


4th Game i got paired against 15 Tank hunting termies with 2 cyclones each and 6 Typhoons. Got destroyed in this. i knew i had no chance going in against 12 lascannon shots and 12 krak shots. Got tabled here.


5th Game i got paired up against Triple Raider Marines. This was the weirdest game ever as the player i played was the one who carried the welsh team. I ended up winning 14-6. He had 4 Tac marines left, an immobilised raider and a libby with 7 tac marines, i had my honour guard left, 2 termies, 1 dread and my 5 man RAS left.



The missions for the tourney were fantastic and i think the missions should be the standard for all tourneys. Basically you had a primary objective which would be something like Annihilation and then a secondary which would be capture and control or the like or another example would be Multi-Objectives as primary and then annihilation as secondary.


Overall fantastic weekend and some great players at the event(as they were the countries ETC Teams). Stormbrow II and Scath also didnt do too well with Stormbrow II getting 1 Win 4 Draws and Scath getting 3 losses 2 draws i think but his Losses were against DE and his list was Double raider :P .


Sounds like it was a good Tournament with very hard fought games. Despite the result you can take away alot of experience. The Terminator + Typhoon list is a nasty one indeed , espescially scary when playing a stormraven army as you're going to have to make alot of cover saves to survive. The missions are alot of fun. I've had the chance to play one of them and looked through the rest , the addition of secondary objectives gives you an additional level to think about during game play , secondary objectives are part of the american tournament system as well I believe.

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*shakes fist at those 3 DE games in a row* :tu:


Despite the Day 1 match ups I had an enjoyable weekend too, my sunday morning game had to be the most violent, yet peaceful, game ever! 0 - 0 on kill points and drew the multi-oblective game, while we both blasted the crap out of 2 squads each, but they survived... Curse that GTG Hive Guard who was on 1 wound! xD


To echo Lucius, I loved the Primary + Secondary Objectives set up, well except the Multi Objective + Draw Game set up which seemed to confuse a lot of the lads!

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Sounds like it was a good Tournament with very hard fought games. Despite the result you can take away alot of experience. The Terminator + Typhoon list is a nasty one indeed , espescially scary when playing a stormraven army as you're going to have to make alot of cover saves to survive. The missions are alot of fun. I've had the chance to play one of them and looked through the rest , the addition of secondary objectives gives you an additional level to think about during game play , secondary objectives are part of the american tournament system as well I believe.


Yeah the Tournament was Bags O' Fun, especially afterwards on the Saturday night :P. In regards to the list itself it didnt work as well as i thought it would without mephiston and i would have been better off dropping the scouts and getting jump packs for the HG and another few RAS but will need to make up new lists anyway for future tourneys so will see where that goes. Just a pity my captain couldnt make the pairings well enough :ermm:

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with Stormbrow II getting 1 Win 4 Draws

It was 2 wins, 2 draws and a loss actually.


Loss vs NI (BA)

Draw vs Barbarians/Gallowglasses (Orks)

Win vs Scotland (DE)

Win vs Wales (Eldar)

Draw vs England (Orks)


I completely stole the games from the Welsh Dual-Seer Council list and English BW Ork players. In my final turn against the Welsh guy I got 3 KP and an objective while the Ork player I grabbed 4 KP and 700 vps. :) I'll throw up something about multi-charging as well as batreps on the ol' blog.

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