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Inspired by this topic http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=227328 I just made an inventaris of what I currently posses:


Commander Dante




Tycho DC

Inquisitor Lord

2 Captains

Chaplain (Terminator-armoured)

5 men Terminator Squad

10 Sanguinary Guard

5 men Death Company

5 Grey Knight Purifiers

2 Sanguinary Priests

35 Tactical Marines

10 Assault Marines

5 Devestators

10 Scouts (4 Snipers)

2 Dreadnoughts

1 Rhino

1 Predator (lascannons)

1 Baal Predator


Any suggestions what to take next? I'm thinking about a Whirlwind and more Devestators myself.

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Termies that can double as priests. :cuss


More termies


More heavy weapons aka devastators


More Mech


Whirlwinds are great in qty.




Especially if you get a SR.


'Bit curious about the lack of vv/hg type models you seem to have and... what? No priests? How peculiar. I'm intrigued.

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Furioso Dreadnoughts

Land Speeders.

More assault marines.



A Land Raider for your terminators




'Bit curious about the lack of vv/hg type models you seem to have and... what? No priests? How peculiar. I'm intrigued.


There's 2 priests in his list.

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Termies that can double as priests. :)


More termies


More heavy weapons aka devastators


More Mech


Whirlwinds are great in qty.




Especially if you get a SR.


'Bit curious about the lack of vv/hg type models you seem to have and... what? No priests? How peculiar. I'm intrigued.


I do have 2 Priests (and occasionally the Sanguinor functions as a third). And my mistake. I have 5 Assault Marines and 5 Vanguard Veterans. Besides that I often use one squad of Sanguinary Guard as Honour Guard. Not so hefty on the point cost but still look awesome :)




Librarian in Terminator Armour is a good idea! Several Furioso Dreadnoughts have been on my list for a while now. Just like the Stormraven.


The first thing I'll get is another devestator squad (with missile launchers to blast apart those bloody Orks), then Assault Marines, then at least one Whirlwind and at least one Furioso. Sounds reasonable?

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