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Devs in a mech list


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Ok so I'm wondering if devs work in a mech list (razorbacks, baals, stormraven, attack bikes, vindis) or are they best used for more troop based lists such as DoA?
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My other army is Imperial Fists 9th Company, so I should be able to help here. TBH the answer depends on a) how you load out your devs and :) how they fit in your army. Combat Squading Devs gives you a really nice option - you can Rhino bunker half the squad to contest the objectives and get up close with your multi-meltas, whilst your long range half sit back and take pot shots at anything that can threaten your tanks. I always take 10 man squads both for ablative wounds and flexibility. Things to consider are:


- Do you need their firepower? In some mech lists, your tanks alone will be able to handle most things. If you're going for a transport focussed army on the other hand, the firepower of your devs gives you plenty of options


- What do you want them to do? A tankbusting dev squad is expensive, anti-infantry units are effective but you should have other options for that. My preferred loadouts are either four missile launchers, a plasma cannon and three lascannons (combat squadded) or two lascannons and two multi-meltas.


TBH, Devs aren't anywhere near as good as they used to be due to scattering blast markers and more manouvreable tanks. I use them because I like them and spent a lot of time painting mine up. They'll work certainly, but another vindicator or storm raven is probably a better bet.

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Well I got two boxes of devs just cos I like the models and know I will use them when I try my hand at DoA but I was also thinking of using a squad of 4 missile launcher devs instead of a vindi in my current list I am building! I am making a second dev squad too which will probably be 4 plasma cannon but as I have 4 lascannons too I'll probably be building 4 lascannon devs too at some point (would it work to just use the lascannons from the devs box and use other marine bits for the body's?)
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Also.. Would making a squad of multimelta devs and actually going tank hunting around the board work? This sounds to me like it would be deadly to use them up close and personal instead of the usual long range support method.
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Well I've responded to the effectiveness of each squad in your other thread, but yes all the weapons are compatable with standard tactical marines. That means you get enough weapons in the box for eight devastators, so if you add a couple of tactical squads you'll have everything you need to build several loadouts and bulk your squads to ten men, which is essential. Personally, I'd field the four missile launchers and four plasma cannons and leave the lascannons at home in a mech list. If you're going for footsloggers devs can be really fun to play, so go for it. Don't forget you can use the left over heavy weapons on your tactical squads too.
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Well I've responded to the effectiveness of each squad in your other thread, but yes all the weapons are compatable with standard tactical marines. That means you get enough weapons in the box for eight devastators, so if you add a couple of tactical squads you'll have everything you need to build several loadouts and bulk your squads to ten men, which is essential. Personally, I'd field the four missile launchers and four plasma cannons and leave the lascannons at home in a mech list. If you're going for footsloggers devs can be really fun to play, so go for it. Don't forget you can use the left over heavy weapons on your tactical squads too.


Sorry, when you say you would field the missile launchers and plasma and leave the LC's at home in a mech list what do you mean exactly? I mainly run mech lists and was hoping to use the ML's and PC's in a mech orientated list, do you think that won't work?

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I mean the missile launcher and plasma cannon squads would both work quite well, but I wouldn't take a 4xLC squad in a mech list, as it's expensive and you'll have enough heavy tank killers as is. The 4x multi-melta squad suffers from being short range and being heavy rather than assault. More or less the only way to make them work is drop podding them against an army that is shocking in assault, but there are better options. Your multi-meltas need to get to within 12" to be any use so I'd take speeders or attack bikes for them instead.
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I used to run 4x Missile Launchers in a Dev squad in my mech list, just keep them in cover somewhere and shoot anything that wanders in to LOS.


I tried Plasma Cannons a few times but the scatter dice don't like me.

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Yeah I already have mm attack bikes so I'm covered, I have loads of melta actually which is why I was thinking of taking plasma devs for crowd control if it's a troop heavy list and ML if it's mech heavy!


I have two more questions regarding devs.. How do I paint up the blue colour helmets and the cervo skulls in the kit, are they just for decoration or are they a war gear option (I don't have my BA codex with me)

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base:cygnar base+ black

1st light: cygnar base

2nd light: cygnar highlight

3rd light: cygnar highlight+ space wolves grey


note: I use airbrush for painting and blend the colours is easier


note 2: I build my devs with 4 plasmas(they look totally badass) and 4 lasscannons, but I use a "codex astartes" list

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Cygnar? I've never heard of this colour! I was assuming it would be ultrasmurf blue or enchanted blue or something!


Also can anyone tell me if putting a stormbolter on my dev sarg would be beneficial? It's only 5 points and I have one in my da vets box!

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Cygnar? I've never heard of this colour! I was assuming it would be ultrasmurf blue or enchanted blue or something!


Also can anyone tell me if putting a stormbolter on my dev sarg would be beneficial? It's only 5 points and I have one in my da vets box!

I generally would not put a stormbolter on a dev sergeant since you don't want him to shoot so you can use the Signum.

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Cygnar? I've never heard of this colour! I was assuming it would be ultrasmurf blue or enchanted blue or something!


Also can anyone tell me if putting a stormbolter on my dev sarg would be beneficial? It's only 5 points and I have one in my da vets box!

I generally would not put a stormbolter on a dev sergeant since you don't want him to shoot so you can use the Signum.


Thanks James.. Is there another model in our dex that can use a stormbolter as I really wanna use this terminator upgrade arm!?


Also James can you tell me what blues to use for devs helmets as I don't quite understand what that guy before has said.



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